The Forgotten Tribe

‘ The Forgotten Tribe’ is the product of 3D X Procedural Art Style….

The art piece comes up by exploring our roots as a human being...those were faded away with our evolution...The simplicity, closeness to nature (both physically and conceptually), strong kinship bonds, great adaptability to nature as well as a wide range of circumstances are a few among many….all that are now blurred ..resulting in dissatisfaction in spite of unparalleled technical success….

The headmen and his two top-ranked warriors of a long but forgotten tribe have found a way from distant past in another dimension to reach us and make us aware of our doings… our us…..

The 3D illustration is made up using procedural texturing and rendering processes by
with skulls being one of the focusing elements of the whole piece...

While procedural generated animation and period music is added by
@RobertHouse the art its overall realistic essence

This is our first collaboration in NFT World and aimed for its showcase at Natural Warp’s #TakeMeToYourBurn event
@SomniumSpace ...thus gave us a timeframe to build the creativity.

During the process, RobertHouseArt inspired me with a quote of Adam Savage says > Quote creative expression and progress needs two idea and a timeframe.> Quote And said Now we have Both!

As per
, > QuoteI learned how to generate realistic and physics-based smoke while add to
@madolf's style enhancing the original intent of the work.> Quote
And on the other part, I discovered my new technique of creating procedural textures quickly :)

ATTENTION TO OWNER:-Due to size constraint on minting(100 MB), the art-piece minted is

1280 x 720 px, MP4 (12.7 MB)...further high resolution will be provided to the owner within a week’s timeframe after purchase via Google Drive.The Forgotten Tribe @Makersplace

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