
Hello Alien Art Friends! How are you?

“In shadows deep, Lilith’s tale unfolds,
A figure fierce, as ancient myths have told.
From Eden’s realm, she dared to break free,
A symbol of strength, rebellion’s decree.”

“Nas sombras profundas, o conto de Lilith se desenrola,
Uma figura feroz, como dizem os mitos antigos.
Do reino do Éden, ela ousou se libertar,
Um símbolo de força, o decreto da rebelião.”

Lilith’s tale

I use MJ as support and create digital collages using Digital Illustrations, Photoshop and Illustrator; Poem written with ChatGPT assistance based on my favorite authors and revised and modified by me;

Uso o MJ como apoio e elaboro as colagens digitais usando Ilustrações digitais, Photoshop e Illustrator; Poema escrito com assistência do ChatGPT baseado nos meus autores favoritos e revisado e modificado por mim;

Thank you for reading my post. I wish you a great day. Leave a comment that I'll be glad to reply to.

Digital Artist that likes to explore mixtures of colors and vibrant aspects with references in pop art and modern urban art.
You can follow me on Twitter and Instagram.

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