On the B Word

What is beauty? I don't know. I can't put it into words. Scientists say it has to do with symmetry, and maybe they're right, but that doesn't capture the rush of pleasure that I feel when I see something or someone beautiful. My neural network likes beauty, and it cannot lie. That's the difficult aspect of this subjective experience, for all our science, we still are not able to capture its experiential essence, package it, and sell it for a low low price.

Is smiling beautiful? I certainly think so. When someone smiles at us, we also smile. Don't you think that's beautiful? 😊

But why beauty? What is beauty's ultimate purpose? The answer will vary depending on who you ask. An artist, a nun, an activist, a biologist, a psychologist, a philosopher, an exotic dancer, and so on, would all give you a different answer. But what if you were to ask the black hole in the center of our galaxy? What do you think it would say?


Come, beautiful children of Earth. Touch my event horizon whereby all things become one. Arise in glorious splendor and spread your wings to me that I may embrace you into the folds of my singular beauty.


Police in Canada learned this week that one of the easiest ways to catch a kangaroo is to grab it by the tail.
That is what Durham Regional Police officers did after spotting a female kangaroo that was on the run for several days near Toronto, Canada.
The animal had been on the loose since Thursday after it escaped from its handlers.
Canada police catch runaway kangaroo by the tail

Now isn't that a beautiful story? And apparently the kangaroo punched one of the officers. Crikey!

You see, now I've gotten away from conceptions of physical beauty (circumventing your expectations with literary chicanery), and more to a conceptual beauty. Think of it: an RCMP police officer chasing after a kangaroo on the streets of Canada. Ha!Ha! hot damn! That's beautiful.


Anyway, I played around with the simple prompt of a "cute" smiling pinup girl, and worked with a few elements of the prompt such as hair colour and art style. I didn't prompt for specifics of cheekbones, hair style, eye colour, make-up, and so on. I let my AI familiar figure out this low level of detail. I did fiddle with other parameters such as frame rate, sampling methods, themes, styles, etc.


Guess who?

So what have we learned? Absolutely nothing, but that's okay. It's Friday.

Thank you for tuning in. I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Until next time. Stay beautiful, amigos 😊

Lean out of the window,
I heard you singing
A merry air.

My book is closed;
I read no more,
Watching the fire dance
On the floor.

I have left my book,
I have left my room,
For I heard you singing
Through the gloom,

Singing and singing
A merry air.
Lean out of the window,

Lean Out Of The Window by James Joyce


Images generated by @litguru using Stable Diffusion software

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