Orb : Jae 01-04

Making of "Orb : Jae 01-04"

TL;DR ➡ ➡ https://hen.limn.digital

At last count, I have 39,238 photos in NeoFinder, my DAM system. But I find myself going through phases where I reach for the same source file(s) for experimenting and to use as the basis for creating new work.

My photoshoot with my friend, "Jae", on Maui in 2015 is a prime example. Over 2 hours we shot 922 photos of her posing with my large-scale acrylic paintings. Several dozen of those 922 photos remain in heavy rotation as source files for my photo-manipulations over the last 6 years since the shoot.

In case you haven't seen my post, "Behind The Scenes (BTS) and making of 'Skipping Jae'" here is a very short GIF of the full 2 hour timelapse that shows the capture of the actual image used as the source for the work below:

Trimmed time-lapse of the 2 hour shoot


Starting with the cropped original photo on the left, I then generated the two variations using the apps listed below in the "Apps & Resources" area below.


Then passes through more apps to achieve the final "Orb" versions below.

Each are available on my Hic et Nunc account as an edition of 10 for only 1ꜩ (TEZOS) each.


I really enjoy seeing other Artist's studios and workflows and so I've decided to share what I would like to see. Kinda the whole "Teach what you want to learn" principle and share my apps and as as much of the process as possible.


Previous Post: JAI'ori J'oin Kala & Rada

Questions & Contact

Please leave a comment below with any questions you have about my creative process, apps, etc.

Please follow me on Twitter: @limndigital for the most up-to-date info on new Artwork.

I mint work on the following platforms:

NFT Showroom | Hic et Nunc | Paras.id | OpenSea

Apps & Resources in this post (a-z)



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