"Skipping Jae" | BTS & Making Of

Behind The Scenes (BTS) and making of "Skipping Jae"


(cropped photo of "Skipping Jae")

TL;DR ➡ ➡ "Skipping Jae" is available on NFT Showroom, 3/3 for 25 $HIVE

We lived in Hawaii from 2002 - 2018. It was an amazing experience, place, and people. First in Kailua, a little town on the windward (Eastern) side of Oahu. Then we moved to Haiku, Maui in 2011.

During those years on Maui I had a huge (2300 square foot, 3 story) studio in a 110 year old pineapple factory. It was super cheap because the roof leaked when it rained, which was very often, and the termites eventually got so bad that I had to break the lease.

My paintings, photography, and art career exploded in those years on Maui and many of the physical and digital works I'll be sharing here originated during those years.

This first work from 2017, "Skipping Jae", is from a photography shoot with an amazing model and friend on Maui. Several years prior she also was one of the first collectors of my abstract photography.

During the 2 hour shoot we took hundreds of photos with different lenses and with her interacting with my paintings. Having models in front of and interacting with my large abstract paintings is kinda my thing... 😃

Trimmed time-lapse of the 2 hour shoot


(trimmed GIF of the 2 hour time-lapse of the photo shoot with "Jae")

From hundreds of RAW photos, I've culled several dozen that I've worked using digital painting and custom app filters that I've created over the years.

Cropped original photo


(I cropped out the full breasts and nipples from this original photo because they are not present in the final work.)

The apps I used in "Skipping Jae" are listed below.

Many of the apps I use have pro features that allow creation of custom settings, filters, and brushes that I've developed and refined over the past 10 years.

Intermediate Artwork Steps

Often times I save the intermediate steps in the creation of my digital work. In this case I only have what I call the "skipping" version which is the result of my slicing up the photo into eight (8) different parts and then reassembling them.

Why Eight? A LOT of my work is based on the Golden Ratio and Fibonacci Sequence of numbers.


From the "skipping" version I then used a combination of all the apps listed below.

Final Artwork


I really enjoy seeing other Artist's studios and workflows and so I've decided to share what I would like to see. Kinda the whole "Teach what you want to learn." principle.


PS: My first ever post on the HIVE blockchain from a few days ago is here: @limn/sybarite

Questions & Contact

Please leave a comment below with any questions you have about my creative process, apps, etc.

Please follow me on Twitter: @limndigital for the most up-to-date info on new Artwork.

I mint work on the following platforms:
NFT Showroom | Hic et Nunc | Paras.id | OpenSea

Apps & Resources in this post (a-z)



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