The Leader of the Pack - Zealy Quest

Hello, friends! I am so excited to share with you my entry to the leader of the pack quest of the art adventure in the leofinance Zealy Campaign. As we know already, the quest for the art adventure is always full of fun and struggles, but I am proud to say that I was able to create something truly meaningful.

The challenge is to create an image of a proud lion surrounded by his pride. And so, I set out to create the perfect masterpiece!

First, I started with the head of the leader of the pack. I carefully sketched it out, making sure that it was perfect in every way.

The next frame shows the continuation of the leader's head, and I must say, it was coming out pretty well!

Next up, I completed the leader's outlook, and I started working on the family. This was where things got really interesting. It took me more than an hour to complete this section, but I was determined to make it perfect. And boy, was it worth it! I was able to come out with an awesome-looking pride of lions resting in the jungle.

Throughout this stage, I faced many challenges by canceling and redrawing😀. But I refused to give up but pushed through, and in the end, I was able to create something that I am truly proud of. It was a roaring success! I am proud of what I had created and excited to submit it for the leader of the pack quest.

This quest has allowed me to tap into my creativity. want to thank you all for your time in my blog. Feel free to comment what you think about my art work in the comments section.

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