Splinterlands Fan Art : Lyanna Natura - image manipulation and AI assisted art

Hello everyone, hope you are doing fine. Thanks to my legendary artistic skills, I resorted to AI generated art and image manipulation to make this Lyanna Natura inspired art.


The above image is the final image produced after all my image manipulations.

I first tried to produce a decent image with the Midjourney AI tool by giving appropriate prompts, but the best I could generate were these two images:



They are pretty good by themselves, especially the first one. But they still look AI generated. Then I resorted to using some cc0 images from pexels.com and used this image :


Photo by Alice AliNari from Pexels

I used the above image on Deep Dream Generator to generate a deep styled image using my first AI generated image as the style image. The result was this :


Pretty neat I would say!

I then tried to mix the above DDG image with my AI generated images on the GIMP software but as soon as I loaded one of the images, it would become unresponsive. I have never used Krita for image manipulation really, so now was the time to try it.

It was pretty intuitive and I didn’t really end up looking for how to do certain things online. After a few hours of trying to make the final result look decent, the first image in this post is what I ended up with.

I used the following AI generated image too for the background and foreground stuff.


Hope you liked the result :). Thanks for reading, see you in the next one!



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