Through the Darkness Of My Mind (short story) | A Fractal Art Project


I suffer with severe migraines. That's my albatross. When my doctor recommended a new trial drug, I was hesitant, but decided to give it a try. However, no amount of medications have relieved my agony as well as fresh air and relaxation. I figured maybe this one might be different. I had two other prescriptions to refill, so I decided to try both on a slightly cool and windy Friday night.

The outing began similar to the more than five thousand days I've already experienced. But unlike the rest, this particular night ended in a bizarre fashion that no one, especially me, could anticipate on a simple trip to relieve my headache.

Work ended at 5:00. I took my normal meds. Thirty minutes later, I popped one of my home delivered meals into the convection oven. An instant frozen daiquiri and bag of pecan pralines accompanied me in my tray to watch an episode of my favorite black and white television series with Rod.

Settling down, I took a few bites when I noticed an advertisement for the same new drug my doctor recommended.

Thinking I'd run out to the pharmacy before dark so that I could start the medicine tomorrow and give it a chance to work its magic over the weekend, I grabbed my keys.

Easing into the parking lot, I searched for a slot nearest the light and security camera at the front entrance.

Can't be too careful at night.


The strip center parking lot was sparse, so I located a slot quickly. The bright lights installed to help keep its customers safe, looked unusually dim.

I fumbled around my glove compartment searching for my cigarettes and the new prescription.

What caught my eye was a pair of long, slim bare legs in two-inch heels, with a glittering red mini skirt high on the thighs. Who could miss that, especially if their owner stepped out of an adjacent car and looked straight at you?

My heart skipped a beat. Is this what I miss by keeping company after dark with my Friday night black and white series? I thought.

Intrigued, I followed those legs. The runway moves captivated me until they reached the sidewalk and strode two businesses down. Stopping in front of a nightclub, the woman struck a pose while taking a selfie.

I smiled thinking about her social media page and the number of Likes she'd get for posting that photo. Just hope the night vision on her mobile phone was set at the right exposure.

My thoughts were interrupted by a cigarette that flared red at its tip before being snuffed out.

That was the only thing I noticed before its owner stepped from behind the black sedan the woman just vacated. Sleek and shining, the car glistened in the dark as if beckoning me to move in closer.

I wanted to focus on the woman. but lost sight of her in the distractions. If she frequented that nightclub, then...

How silly of me. My personality would never allow me to venture there.

Another distraction.


This time, noises coming from the end of the alley between 42nd and Hemphurst caught my attention.

A gang of five men rounded the corner cursing loudly. Walking in unison, slow at first, then picking up speed, they resembled a mob on a mission.

And it looked as though I was their target.

Terrified, I backed up. My lips parted. The cigarette fell limp. I tried to explain my purpose for being there, but one of the men jerked the smoke out my mouth and finished it.

My eyes then darted from left to right as if expecting the cops to rush out of the dark.

Foolish me.

I was so busy acting out scenarios, I didn't see one of the gang members slip behind and now held a cold, sharp object in my midsection.

A large hand pushed hard on my shoulders, pushing me to the pavement. Reflexes kicked in as I stretched out my hands attempting to break my fall.

Just as I was about to land, that same hand grabbed my shirt and yanked me back upright.

I felt like a retracting ball.

"Look, guys, I was just here to pick up my medication."

Before I could finish, bright lights flashed from the end of the alley. A loud crash sounding like metal against metal grew closer.

Placing my hand to my forehead to block out the intense glare, I noticed a sports truck pull up.

I nearly fainted as a tall, lanky man was pushed from the vehicle.

One of the gang members secured a rope around the man's waist. Was this some type of street-style execution by dragging?

Three other gang members turned and rushed toward the vehicle. That's when I realized I was the distraction until their real purpose arrived. Seemed as though all the action was at the end of the alley.

However, I wasn't out of the woods yet.

A second guy snatched my head back violently as though taunting to see whether I could stomach witnessing the torture.

I could feel a small patch of hair separate from my scalp as a massive headache rounded the sides of my ears to meet my eyes.

Suddenly sirens, that sounded like an entire fleet of policemen from the corner precinct, screamed they were on the way to my rescue. At least, that's what I hoped. More than likely they were responding to a distress call for the poor fella who was about to be hanged, I presumed.

The men holding me immediately released my head, shoved me down to the pavement, then ran off.

I looked around to see which direction they headed so I could assist the police. They disappeared in an instant as though they were never here.

Trying to focus and get a grip on what happened, I noticed everything about the strip center had changed somehow.

The doors on the nightclub were locked with heavy chains.

No woman in high heels and glittering mini skirt.

No shiny, black sedan.

No sirens.

I looked up at the pharmacy. There in bold letters was a sign that indicated the business had been closed for a year.

The strip center's flood lights were flashing red. Security cameras were turning in a counter-clockwise motion.

I stood up. People visible and shopping when I arrived had disappeared. The nearest street was empty of cars. Traffic signs from all directions flashed yellow.

The scene looked and felt as if time had ceased to exist in this place.

But how was that possible?


I stood up, brushed off my clothes, and felt the top of my head. Definitely something happened there as a thick patch of blood appeared on my finger.

Looking around for my keys, I located them near the sidewalk, then
searched for my car with my alarm.

No answer.

I planted my hands to my head and screamed. I touched my body to make sure I was alive. How did I get here? This can't be a dream? I thought.

Suddenly, the sky opened up and rain greeted me. Slight at first.

I threw my keys down and ran. I didn't look back.

Away from the alley, I turned toward the east. A bridge stretched from one part of the city to the other.

Out of breath, I stumbled toward the nearest bench. Sitting there, I looked out over the water. Thoughts of my death flashed before my eyes.

What if something happened, I thought. Would anyone send help or mourn me?

My parents were deceased. I was unmarried. Few friends, even fewer close ones. No steady girlfriend. And only a decent job to my credit.

What had I been doing all my life except hiding in the shadows waiting for another migraine to visit.

Tonight was the most terrifying event or my life. It was also the highest rush I've had in three years.

Heart still beating fast from my brush with death, I looked down, staring into the puddle of water.

My reflection stared back parting the ripples ever so often so that I could see the empty space in between.

I suddenly realized I've been living in between spaces of time. Hours and days of nothingness floating across the universe.

I slipped from the bench onto my knees.

Please let me make it from this place and find my way home. If I do, I'll cancel my food delivery subscription; throw out my ready-made cocktails, and reduce my Friday night dates with Rod. Amen.


This fractal art project and short story was such a delight to embark upon. I let my imagination run wild across the universe for this one. My short story told of a young man wasting away in his apartment each weekend. He suffers from migraines and chooses not to interact with others on a regular basis. On a trip to pick up medication, he's confronted with his loneliness as his imagination comes to life. Or is it his imagination?

Inspiration for my project were two pure fractal art images below I created in Apophysis 7X. This upgraded version of the fractal rendering software is awesome as the detail is sublime.

My first fractal I entitled "In a Nutshell". Look at the various vines weaving through the core. The cool shades remind me of parts of the brain where imagination takes hold.


My second pure fractal I created in Apophysis 7X I titled "Vase Beautiful". Rendered on a transparent background, I knew I'd use it as an overlay. It worked out perfectly, especially seen on a black background.



Another inspiration that I felt enhanced the combination of fractals was an image I located on a free source. This image resembled the darkness of the mind when confused.

I love how the lips are woven. But it's the eyes that look so haunting. I felt the image worked perfectly as a backdrop for my fractals.

Utilizing Canva, I was able to blend the fractals and the image.



Here is the final version:



Thanks for taking the time to view my post. I hope you like my fractal art project.



Happy rest of the week everyone with whatever your endeavors.







a) JustClickindiva's Footer created in Canva utilizing its free background and images used with permission from discord admins.
b) Unless otherwise noted, all photos taken by me with my (i) Samsung Galaxy 10" Tablet, (ii) Samsung Phone, & (iii) FUJI FinePix S3380 - 14 Mega Pixels Digital Camera
c) Purple Butterfly part of purchased set of Spiritual Clip Art for my Personal Use
d) All Community logos, banners, page dividers used with permission of Discord Channel admins.
e) Ladies of Hive banner used with permission of and in accordance with the admin's guidelines
f) Thumbnail Image created by me in Canva.
g) "Flames." What is Apophysis 2.09.

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