The Sobbing Mountain | A Fractal and Generative Art Project


Each six months, The Falling Water Tribe in the remote village of Voltenu prepare for the ten mile journey to the mountain for its festival. The small group of villagers live a peaceful life. They sculpture pottery to sell in the local market. However, several of the men decorate their pots in unique images specifically for the festival. It is their tradition for women to wear orange, red, and yellow colored garments. White scarves adorn their heads symbolizing purity, atonement, and sacrifice. Their costumes sway in the cool breeze as they teach the children the art of preparing the simple pants, shirts, and dresses that is tradition.

The people care not that their clothes are old and tattered.

They care that the mountain rumbles red no more as it once did when its thunderous clap opened up from the bowels of the earth and uncovered the round hole that spewed upward like a mighty ball of rage. Its fierceness burst the night's sky as it exploded, then flowed rapidly toward their village, vengeful in its anger. Then, the red voice of the mountain swallowed their ancestors, encasing them in black tombs. The red voice silenced their livestock. And, the red voice surrounded their homes, reducing them to memories in the flames.

They care that they are alive this day to celebrate the one who quieted the flames and conquered the mountain.

They set out on their ten mile pilgrimage to the place where the road ends at a fork. Only the elders can guide them to the once forbidden place.

Forging ahead, they come to a small hill. A majestic view overlooking their village, they marvel at their homes on the outskirts of the town. Situated between two large mountains, one on the east; the other on the west, they enjoy moderate temperatures. The town's landscape, now merry, is cherished among their people.

The trees, once barren, are beginning to show signs of recovery. The rivers are clearing, with the fish returning. The livestock is flourishing and producing offspring. Life is good for the peaceful villagers.

They know only two more miles remain on their journey. The valley at the foot of the mountain awaits.

They're traveling to the magical place. The place the tribe call, The Sobbing Mountain.

But it was not always so.


Rolling along the rocky path, black soot covers the wheels as horses pull their carts filled with decorated clay pots.

The Falling Water Tribe brings an assortment of refreshing lavender, sea salts, herbs, fresh fruit in season, and decorated items in the goddess, Helvina's, image.

Arriving at their destination, the elders prepare for the festivities. Two days they'll spend in the valley worshiping her.

With drums beating slowly, they build campfires. They play games, dance, and prepare the feasts as they celebrate and pay tribute to their savior.

As night nears, the embers' fiery glow settles. Horns blow, summoning Helvina to come.

She answers, rising from the depths of the smouldering mountain.


Smiling, she waits as the elders gather their tribesmen and summon their young. According to legend, this must be done. Otherwise, the treaty between goddess and the tribesmen will be broken. Turmoil as witnessed in the old days will return.

The story the elders must pass on is their history. A prideful history that almost caused the collapse of their society. The story of a once peaceful tribe who lived an uneasy existence.

The story involves Helvina, a young girl of fourteen whose ancestors are fellow tribes people. A symbol of sacrifice, she is admired. But more so for her bravery.

With tears in his eyes, the eldest tribesman begins.


The Battle of the Fiery Mountain

In order to tell our precious Helvina's story, I must first tell you the story of another tribe member, Klogur, the Warrior.

He was a giant of a man, standing eight feet in height. Neither aggressive nor simple-minded, he was rare among The Falling Water Tribe. On his broad shoulders, four animals could mount. He boasted constantly of his strength and cunning to anyone who would listen that he could outwit any god of the sky.

But our tribe shrank from him. They were fearful and afraid he'd bring the wrath of the sky gods down on their village with talk of rebellion.

However, Klogur continued. Unbeknownst to the tribe people, he'd been granted favor with the sky gods. They found out later the reason for this strength and warrior-like qualities.

Also, unknown to the The Falling Water Tribe was that one of the elder's daughters, Helvina, was in love with Klogur. The elder forbade their relationship.

Helvina was unmoved by her father's reaction. She was desperately in love with Klogur, as he was with her.

On the night they were to be secretly married, word came to the village elders that the supreme sky god was angry and would destroy their village unless Klogur repent or agree to banishment.

The supreme sky god was angry. Rumblings in the upper world worried him. Once tolerant and supportive of the middle lands, he gave favor to Krogur. He caused him to grow in strength, size, and wisdom. Kroglur towered over his fellow tribesmen. He was to be their leader, guiding them to the sky gods of the upper world.

However, the supreme sky god grew to despise Krogur for his impertinence. He'd heard from others that Krogur believed himself their equal. That way of thinking was forbidden as Kloglur stirred the minds of men to turn away from their tradition of servitude.

Upon hearing this, Klogur refused to allow himself to be banished from the village or bow down. The supreme sky god had no choice but to command his best warrior, Loigos, the Destroyer, to defeat Klogur and banish him to the mountain of fire.

Loigos was all too happy to show his worth to his master. Krogur, unafraid of battle, was all too happy to accept the challenge.

Also, upon learning that Klogur refused to submit and of the impending battle, Helvina pledged herself to him, then planned their marriage.

But it was not to be.

We must never forget that fateful day known as, "The Battle of the Fiery Mountain".

The air, normally flavored with lavender and spices of the fields, was filled with anger. Thick, black clouds of smoke descended upon the village smothering all in its reach.

The village people ran and hid inside their huts as the battle began. The ground shook, and the mountain roared.

Yesterday, they were deity and worshiper. That day, they were mortal enemies of equal standing.

The two mighty beings, one half-human, the other a demi-god from the sky, stood facing each other. Both leaders in their own right, neither would back down nor surrender.

Their breaths silenced the birds from the sky. They watched as victims lay in heaps.

The toll on both warriors was severe. The sky god didn't anticipate Klogur's strength. Scattered across the countryside was destruction of a large magnitude. The deafening sounds of earth tearing open with each blow of their fists.

Frustrated at the knowledge he strength was waning and may lose, Loigos threw his weapon into the mountain. It hurled down to the core, then shot up bringing with it the roar of the mountain.

Klogur turned toward the mountain, distracted. Suddenly, Loigos' weapon returned to his hand. With one swift blow, he knocked Klogur unconscious and hurled him toward the opening in the mountain. Standing on its edge, Loigos landed one final blow.

The explosion erupted in the bowels of the mountain as Klogur descended toward his fate.

Loigos raised his hand and weapon to the sky, evidencing to the supreme sky god his victory. The supreme sky god with his word sealed the hole.

Condemned and sentenced to eternity in the bowels of the mountain. Klogur became bitter and angry his people did nothing to help him. Klogur battled the Loigos. He had fought for his tribe's right to be free. He felt hurt and abandoned. Although a mighty man of conviction and pure heart, he became bitter.

His only weakness was his love of a young maiden, named Helvina.

It is said that after Klogur's defeat, he longed for his lost love. When he wept, the mountain roared and his tears of a thousand years flow from his prison. In his anger, he cared not that some of the villagers were children. He cared not that the people who turned their backs on him ages ago have long paid the price for their cowardice.

He cared only for the pain he felt.

It is said that Helena sacrificed herself to save her people. Her love for Klogur weighed heavily on her. One day, she traveled to the mountain and threw herself into the fiery pit.

It is said that the supreme sky god, impressed by her sacrifice for her tribe and her proud lover, granted her the status of goddess and showered her with gifts to enable her to endure the fiery flames.

It is said that she calms his spirit with her beauty. Whenever he experiences nightmares at the betrayal of his tribe, His tears fall boulders into a fiery cauldron.

It is said Helvina showers Klogur with love and affection helping him forget his vengeance.


Helvina smiles as she listens to the tale once again.

She waits for her people to flock nearby. She reminds them of their blessings.

She weeps for her people. She summons the men to draw near. They hold up their sculptured and decorated clay pots to reveal her image. She nods, then smiles.

Her tears calm the lava as it rises to the top, then rushes down. Thick, white mist bonded together force the twin waterfalls. One for each eye bringing forth the renewed sorrow.

The men walk the narrow path down to the bottom of the ledge. Gathering the magical water in their pots, they head back up the path, careful not to spill the precious minerals.

Whispers grow louder as they burst into cheers for their savior who sacrificed her life so they could live in peace unafraid of the thunderous roar of the mountain.

Weary from the long travel, they rest for the last night. No harm will come as Helvina watches over them. She's paid the price.

The people return home. They know her tears are their salvation.

They pray along the way that Helvina will always be there and not tire of consoling her love, Klogur, the Warrior so that the The Sobbing Mountain will never return the red fiery pit.


In creating my newest fractal and generative art project, I wanted to share with you another art piece I created utilizing the free open-source software, Nvidia Gaugan. Creating photo-realistic art, this program is unique in that it specializes in landscape images. I wanted to portray a volcanic scene that combines a magical waterfall only viewed after dusk.


I created the image with the following brushstrokes and filter. Applying, the filter, the final version looked awesome.





Next, I was inspired by the following image I located of a lovely young lady. With filters to darken the image, it fit perfect into the mountain. With the addition of my pure fractal, the added affect resembled a magical pot.



Utilizing Canva, I was able to blend the fractals and the generative art.

Here is the final version:



Thanks for taking the time to view my post. I hope you like my fractal and generative art project.



Happy rest of the week everyone with whatever your endeavors.







a) JustClickindiva's Footer created in Canva utilizing its free background and images used with permission from discord admins.
b) Unless otherwise noted, all photos taken by me with my (i) Samsung Galaxy 10" Tablet, (ii) Samsung Phone, & (iii) FUJI FinePix S3380 - 14 Mega Pixels Digital Camera
c) Purple Butterfly part of purchased set of Spiritual Clip Art for my Personal Use
d) All Community logos, banners, page dividers used with permission of Discord Channel admins.
e) Ladies of Hive banner used with permission of and in accordance with the admin's guidelines
f) Thumbnail Image created by me in Canva.
g) "Flames." What is Apophysis 2.09.

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