Flight of the Puritonians | Combined Fractal Art and Stable Diffusion Project



A dark figure adorned in black emerged in the rear from what seemed like an ancient portal. Its form materialized, revealing a threatening shape that resembled a crimson-colored open wound. As if byn command, a lime green, sticky globule tumbled from the portal. Its mass ballooned as several bodies disappeared underneath. The larger it grew, the quicker it hurled toward the fleeing citizens.

They ran. Sirens screamed.

Lights flashed one after the other varying in wavelengths and strength. Each one relaying a strategic attack avoidance procedure.

Too late. Panic had already overtook the city. Heated flaxen beams pursued moving life forms as pungent odors spewed across the planet.

It wasn't as if the citizens didn't know. It wasn't as if the citizens hadn't been warned. The Elders of Puritonia pleaded to them a decade to evacuate.


Puritonia, the planet of tranquility and peace. Its history witnessed a uneasy start. From the bowels of several asteroids, the planet was formed. The citizens' former planet already dead, its explorers dared to venture toward the azure luminosity of that new territory's surface.

Applied technology reduced the external temperature to allow entrance to the surface. There, explorers discovered a livable environment for its species.

Its citizens enjoyed peace and prosperity for over a century.

But they were a young system, not yet fully advanced militarily when the foreign code was detected.

So, reasons for the intentional planned attack remained unknown. Only communications between two other systems mentioned Puritonia. Calculations determined a time frame for their visit.

With assistance from a neighboring planet, code determined the discussions weren't favorable. Not yet part of any consortium, Puritonia lay bare to advanced by uninvited visitors.

Two years ago, war broke out among internal factions. Central control over the people collapsed. A vote of no confidence in its chosen leaders took place.

Citizens joined whichever faction delivered information they wanted to believe that suited their interests. Others didn't care. They continued about their daily lives.

However, educators and scientists banded together. They realized the threat was credible. They convinced as many as who'd listen to facts behind the rumors.

Natabia was one of the citizens who listened. An educator, she gathered all information available so that her family could locate a means to escape to a safer environment.

She grew weary of trying to convince other colleagues and friends. But the most hurtful was the fact that her own spouse, Ronnyie, wouldn't listen to the science and to reason.

With the assistance of her science colleagues, she made plans to escape to another colony. She pleaded with Ronnyie to accompany her and take their son to safety.

In the end, his stubborness in listening to the faction he chose, won out. He wouldn't allow Natabia to leave with their son.

She made arrangements for transport with the neighboring planet. She never gave up attempting to convince her fellow citizens that the time to abandon their homes was drawing near.

Away from danger, one day she received word of the attack.


Ronnyie limped down the bronze pathway as fast as he could. One leg bore a cast; the other, sores entrenched deep into his flesh. With only his willpower, he dragged his son, Archor, who fought against leaving his friends.

He stumbled as he violently pushed an elderly gentleman. He glanced back as tentacles reached the left side of the platform and ensnared the slower victim. He offered a short prayer for his action. But he had to keep moving.

Pebbles turned into giant stones as Ronnyie and Archor dragged themselves over the sharp objects. They dared not look back.

The screams of his fellow citizens faded. He could, however, hear rustling in the nearby brush. He prayed some of his friends escaped.

Within an hour, he came to the edge of the woodland. Twilight had already fallen over the area. In the distance, the blackness showed no signs of the glowing, golden rays. Against his judgement, he allowed Archor to rest.


With his head hung low between his legs, he cried. He cried for his stubborn disposition; his unwillingness to listen to reason; his detachment from his loving wife. Most of all, it was his wife who he wanted to see now.

It didn't matter if she decided to leave him there. He figured he deserved it. But his tears were for his son. If only he'd listened, Archon would now be safe.

Like the disobedient few, Ronnyie was the last to evacuate. They didn't believe the rumors. They didn't believe the warnings.

Survival was now in the hands of their neighboring system. However, the distress calls so far went unanswered.

The fifty foot glowing temple erected as guardian of the territory blasted its final warning.

Ronnyie turned to see his homeland ablaze with golden and blue soot. He wiped sweat from his brow. A faint sound ahead drew his attention.

From the darkness, an unfamiliar ship appeared. Natabia, together with several others stepped from the aircraft. She beckoned for Ronnyie and Archor to run. The ship waited for others to emerge from the brush.

Ronnyie gathered Archor to run. However, his legs gave way. He couldn't continue and knew his time was up. He pleaded for Natabia to leave him, but get their son to safety. She begged him to come, but he refused.

He turned over and lay gazing at the stars. Then, looking back toward the city, he felt time halt as if waiting for another cue.

The next sound he be heard was the overwhelming gnashing of teeth against bone as he perceived the green mass consumed the last of the Puritonians.


In completing my current fractal art project, I had fun venturing into the world of Stable Diffusion. Once I discovered and investigated this dynamic program, I could see the possibilities in taking art to another level of realism.

Stable Diffusion is a machine learning program that utilizes a text-to-image model. It was developed by Stability AI in its efforts to generate digital images with words or phrases. Also, other photos can be included to draw upon as a guide in producing the desired image effects.

This current project is from a stable diffusion program called Night Cafe. I utilized the following text input to retrieve my vision of a dystopian city in chaos after an attack.

Below are my steps:

Text input:
  1. Dystopia city with people running and screaming surrealism;
  2. Utilizing Salvador Dali matte background melting oil on canvas.

I absolutely love the resulting image. My vision of a dystopian environment that looks peaceful is perfect for intended use in transforming it into a nightmare for citizens as they escape the impending danger.




Image manipulation:

My pure fractals and an amazing photo Contributed to the LMAC Image Library (#LIL) by @eve66 provided the catalysts needed to compile a terrifying scene.







Apophysis-TravelingOrb-T ransp.png



Utilizing Canva, I was able to blend the fractals and stable diffusion image. In this project, I utilized the diffusion as a background to provide the setting for the dystopian city.

Here is the final version:


Thanks for taking the time to view my fractal and stable diffusion art project.



Happy rest of the week everyone with whatever your endeavors.







a) JustClickindiva's Footer created in Canva utilizing its free background and images used with permission from discord admins.
b) Unless otherwise noted, all photos taken by me with my (i) Samsung Galaxy 10" Tablet, (ii) Samsung Phone, & (iii) FUJI FinePix S3380 - 14 Mega Pixels Digital Camera
c) Purple Butterfly part of purchased set of Spiritual Clip Art for my Personal Use
d) All Community logos, banners, page dividers used with permission of Discord Channel admins.
e) Ladies of Hive banner used with permission of and in accordance with the admin's guidelines
f) Thumbnail Image created by me in Canva.
g) "Flames." What is Apophysis 2.09. https://flam3.com/

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