Eryka's Song | A Stable Diffusion Art Project


"The Strain of it All"

"Keep moving. The sun ain't gonna wait." Dimitri Zadlug stared intently at the back of Eryka's head. The large hat still wasn't wide enough to hide her thick, long tresses. Cursing, he threw his plow down and walked faster to catch up. With a quick tug, he managed to grab the handful of golden locks with hints of auburn flowing in the wind and thrust them down the back of her overalls. Satisfied, he stepped ahead. Out of range, he murmured, "damn, why'd she have to take on the looks of that tavern worker."

A slow, thudding clip-clop interrupted his thoughts. Jerking his head, he caught a glimpse of a wagon rounding the bend about a quarter mile away.

Remembering he'd left the gate unlocked, Dimitry dropped the plow and ran toward the fence. His short strides struggled to reach the edge of the dirt road before the stranger pulled into the gate.

Moments later, Hosiah Levington dismounted. Standing several inches taller and considerably slimer, he was shaky, but ready to face the unreasonable.

Warned about Dimitry's temper, he vowed to keep calm after hearing the consequences of others' prior confrontations.

"Hello neighbor. I was wondering if you're in need of a strong hand being it's harvest season and you've no son or hired worker. You're getting on in age." Hosiah exhaled, then continued after no response.

Hosiah didn't know why he felt so strongly about Eryka, but he figured he'd be derelict as a good town citizen not to approach Dimitry. It was nothing less than child mistreatment, he reasoned.

He stammered, "I mean...I'll get straight to it. You've no right to work that young lass like a horse. Surely she'll fall ill; or worse, dead." Hosiah registered a stark change in Dimitry's face, so he held back on the remaining criticism.

Eyes bloodshot, Dimitry took a deep, labored breath, then grabbed Hosiah and pulled him so close his words exploded and spread spittle over the man's shirt. Not to mention leaving mud stains.

"Don't know what you've heard, but it's none of your damn business. Further, I don't appreciate you sniffing around here like you're on the heels of some bitch in heat. You're wasting your time. Now, git off my property and leave me be."

Dimitri shoved his other hand into Hosiah's midsection and twisted it as if wrapping a pitchfork around his innards before shoving him backward.

Hosiah started to speak, then stopped. He knew exactly what the gesture meant.

Angry, he straightened his suit, boarded his wagon, jerked the reins of his team, and sped off leaving a trail of dust.


"Sowing the Seed"

Dimitry stood in the middle of the road, staring at the back of the wagon. His face turned beet red. How dare he!

Watching the intruder leave, his mind raced trying to figure out who was behind this impertinence. If only I'd not left my shotgun on the porch, he'd have something to take back to show them uppity townspeople of Ferallville, he laughed wickedly.

And I'd be right in the eyes of the law, protecting my property, he reasoned.

Head hung low walking back to the house, he suddenly felt weary shouldering the responsibility these years.

Dimitry knew it was only a matter of time before those menacing gossip mongers stirred. He felt helpless knowing he'd lost control over the situation. She wouldn't stop growing.

Hands covering his face, he finally admitted what he'd long denied.

The girl was the most beautiful in the whole town. Probably beyond. And he was weary trying to hide it. That tavern wench was also beautiful, but she didn't even come close to that girl.

But those were the type of women that attracted him. He'd admonished himself for returning to the tavern, but was helpless to resist. Confusion always followed as he couldn't remember much afterward.

He hated even more when six months later, one particularly alluring vixen knocked at his farm door. By the time he opened it, she was halfway down the road, leaving a small bundle in a bassinet on his porch.

That the girl child was his, he didn't doubt. But if that wench was gonna allow herself to get knocked up, at least she could have dropped a boy, he thought, cursing his bad luck.

That would have been repayment for my taking in her bastard, he reasoned.


The Good Samaritan

About a mile down the road, Hosiah pulled up the horse hard.

He wiped sweat from his brow. But he couldn't wipe the disgust from his mind. Frustrated, he murmured, "How dare any man treat another so horribly, especially a child!"

Dimitry himself, people gossip. Hosiah disliked him. He thought him ignorant and lacked many qualities instilled in a decent human being. His penchant for cheap liquor and other vices sought behind the doors of the town's tavern were proof enough for him.

That many other men in their town did the same, he justified. Every God-fearing hard working man needed a bit relaxing after the work week.

Thoughts of Eryka never far away, he returned to her plight. She was no child. A full grown, beautiful woman at sixteen, he desired her. No, he ached for her.

Continuing on, his chest threatened to burst with feelings of love. Only brief glimpses of her over the years didn't diminish those feelings.

The farther he drove, the more concrete his plans materialized until he knew what his next move entailed.

That night, he lay in bed waiting.

The exotic music. Hosiah was pleased with the restraint shown not divulging it to Dimitry. That secret he'd keep until needed.

Fighting restlessness, he managed to doze several times. He woke just as a gentle breeze caught and held the bedroom curtain, making way for the sweet melodies riding on its winds.

Snuggling deep within the quilt, he smiled. His pulse raged. He surrendered like hundreds of nights before as throbbing coursed through his body responding to the whispers of the tunes.

He'd told no one about the strange music. Knowing the locals, they'd recommend counseling with the town's pastor, then attend extra services mid week.

Determined to solve the mystery, one night instead of lying in bed, he followed the sound.

Surprised it originated from Dimitry's farm, Hosiah decided to investigate upon learning Dimitry was in town purchasing farm supplies.

Racing out to the farm, he was shocked to learn the truth.

Shy at first and suspicious, Eryka warmed as she remembered words spoken to her by another visitor, "Another will come with no ill intent. You can trust him."

She welcomed Hosiah to her small room in the attic overlooking the farm.

He was furious. The tiny room housed a small bed that looked adequate for a child; a makeshift empty space behind a rod holding a sheet for clothes; and a window. No floor furnishing for winter. No accessories a young girl requires. Hosiah couldn't comprehend why Dimitry chose this life for his daughter.

Also, he didn't understand the connection between the organ sounds he heard and the mystical tunes until Eryka pulled back a blanket exposing a small spinning wheel.

Puzzled, he asked her to explain. She refused, saying it was just magic that comes to her while she's operating the wheel.

Hosiah didn't press any further as time was drawing near for Dimitry to return.

He bade Eryka goodbye, but not before embracing her. He couldn't resist. Drawing her even closer, her kiss her felt like looking up from the bottom of a deep well begging to rise for air.

Despite terrible living conditions, her skin was smooth as silk. Lavender scent rose from her hair. Tattered, but fresh smelling clothes. And alluring eyes of amber mixed with gray.

The next morning, he met with the townspeople. Dimitry's secret was about to be exposed.


Eryka's Song

Eryka recognized Hosiah's voice.

Upon Dimitry's return from the encounter, she avoided his suspecting eyes. He was shrewd, she knew, so kept quiet and continued plowing.

She also kept secret Hosiah's prior visit. In fact, everything personal to her, she kept to herself talking little to him except about the farm. But she couldn't concentrate on that.

Her slim shoulders hurt.

Enduring the heavy straps left deep bruises. Each night, she pieced together cloth, then soak it with liniment. She'd learned to apply the make-shift medicinal pad herself. Comfort came during nights, as it helped soothe her aching muscles.

She learned to adapt.

The outside world beyond her attic window felt foreign. Not allowed to venture from the farm, her education was obtained from the few books he brought home. Most were bible-based studies, together with lower grade-level material.

Dimitry shopped in town for her and the farm's necessities.

She often wondered how he explained purchasing the few female items. It was known he had no wife. He'd often complain in a tirade and spat out unchristian-like comments about the town's respectable females that shunned him.

Of course, the names were unfamiliar. But she laughed, imagining how the beautiful women looked as they scurried away from him.

Not the most handsome man. But then she didn't know how the majority of men looked, except Hosiah. She smiled.

And she didn't mind that she'd only heard him speak her name once. Afterward, he referred to her as "Girl".

That night, shoulders aching, she rose and sat by the window. She waited.

Soon, a blanket of dark clouds hovered nearby. A rush of wind, then a tall shrouded figure appeared behind her in the dark. She smiled, as the woman's presence brought a sense of calm and peace.

This wasn't so the first time the woman visited as Eryka remembered her reaction as a child.

Frightened, she shrank from the woman and threatened to summon Dimitry.

"Who are you? What do you want?"

"I won't harm you. But you mustn't tell anyone about our visits. You're so beautiful, daughter. As long as I'm alive, no harm will ever come to you."

"Why can't you take me away from this place?" Eryka asked, sobbing.

"Hush child. It wasn't possible. To keep you safe, I did this. My name is Erienda. Come, let me introduce you to our family." Puzzled, Eryka hesitated, then held out her hand.

Erienda led her to the center of the small room. Turning several times with her hand extended, a circle of fire rose up from the floor and surrounded them.

Eryka's eyes grew wide, as no burning smell followed.

Six other cloaked women joined in their circle chanting and singing. Her mother turned and pointed toward the spinning wheel she suggested Dimitry purchase years ago.

Now part of the circle, fire engulfed the wheel and swept it into the air. Upon the wheel's return, gold glittered from its treadle and drive wheel. Beautiful tunes floated outwards as the drive wheel spokes turned.

"Eryka, this gift is yours. Talk to it. Through your words, the wheel will weave a song for our family only. I will return."

And she did return as promised through the years.

Looking at her mother this night, Eryke knew her tearful words she weaved a few hours earlier would not carry a joyful song to her family. But she was tired and hurt. She wanted to leave the farm.

"Eryka, we heard your song. I've shared it with someone whom I've sent to come take you from this place."

Eryka smiled. She already knew that someone was Hosiah Levington.


You Reap What You Sow

Hosiah's meeting with the townspeople was successful. They all agreed that Dimitry's practices were abuse. Several upstanding families agreed to take Eryka into their homes. Hosiah spoke quickly, informing everyone her living arrangements had already been secured.

However, they all knew extracting her from the farm would not end well. Hosiah recommended another citizen lure Dimitry from the farm while he rescued Eryka.

Plan in place, Hosiah headed to collect his future bride.

Erkya located a small suitcase in the barn. She packed the few belongings she owned and sat it in the corner. Hosiah would come. If not today, then the next. But he would come. Her mother promised.

From her attic window, Eryka anxiously waited for Hosiah's wagon. Finally, down the stairway and out the door, she ran.

They sped away, hoping Dimitry was otherwise engaged.

But Dimitry had one friend. Believing parents controlled their children at all costs, he informed Dimitry about the plan.

As Hosiah and Eryka reached the center of town, Dimitry stood in the middle of the road, shotgun in hand.

The townspeople gathered around. Dimitry shouted,

"I tell you that girl's possessed by the devil. A witch; evil spirit. That's why I'm out of my mind. She's evil. I was trying to work it out of her by doing something honest and productive instead of luring spirits in that damn tower at night. They talk to her. Make her do strange things. She may fool you, but not me. She's just like that harlot mother of hers. She bewitched me too, then left this girl with me."

Dimitry pointed his weapon at Eryka. A hush fell over the crowd as his finger covered the trigger.

Eryka's mother, watching from a few feet, backed away. She turned and rushed into a nearby storefront. then rolled down the curtain. Quickly creating a circle, she stood in its middle. Turning several times with her head held back, she summoned the rest of her family from the tavern.

"You brought this upon yourself, Erienda. You broke the order. Now, you've exposed us all. Was it worth it for that frail human?" one of the sorceresses growled.

"I take full responsibility for my actions. But she's one of ours. Besides, she'll be cared for. I've conditioned a local."

They held hands. Suddenly, a thick, black mist rolled in and formed a shield around Eryka. She fell backward upon the bed of clouds.

In the distance, another shot rang out. A loud thud rose up from the dirt to meet Dimitry's face. He fell. Blood trickled from underneath.

Moving in Dimitry's direction, the cloud's stronghold tightened until he fell unconscious.


Is This What Love Feels Like?

Crying, Eryka cast off the mist, then gathered Dimitry to her.

"No mother, please don't hurt him," she implored.

Tears streamed down her face onto his cheeks. She rocked back and forth. The blanket fell from the spinning wheel. She sang to him until her song reached his ears.

Dimitry woke.

Upon hearing the beautiful music and lyrics, a calm filled his ears. Panicked, he frowned, then brushed his daughter's arms from his waist.

Pointing at Eryka, he hissed, "see, this is some type of curse. I was shot and now it's gone. Witch, I say. Just like her mother!"

The crowd began to disperse, shaking their heads. They saw nothing except witness Dimitry pointing a gun at his own child with intent to harm.

Hosiah stepped forward. "He's not worth it." He gathered a crying Eryka in his arms and led her to their wagon.

Dimitry watched as they rode away from town.

He rose and brushed off his overalls. Examining his clothes, hands, and body, he was shocked. A bullet had passed through his body.

He turned and searched for Erienda. In the distance, she stared at him for several seconds before disappearing.

Gathering his weapon, he cursed. "Just my luck. A weird day from hell."

He headed home.

Standing at the gate, he looked up at the attic window.

Dimitry thought of many events over the years. He admitted that Eryka hadn't been any trouble since he got her. Things might have been different if she didn't look the way she did. Then no one would have come sniffing around the farm.

Besides, her presence was like having a silent partner who could plow the heck out that field. A pretty good cook too. Don't know how she learned that. And could sew my britches like new.

He knew that men only wanted one thing from women. That love and affection played any part, he brushed to the side. A pile of pig shit was all it amounted to, he thought.

The spinning wheel brought forth thoughts of his youth.

Was it the sound of his mother singing to him as a child, or was it just the dust caught up in the wind? He wiped his eyes making sure to erase any trace of a tear.

Then waving his hand in the air as if irritated, tight lips cracked a tiny smile.

"Good riddance. She should have long been gone from here. Maybe now a man can get a decent night's sleep."

He hoisted his rifle upon his shoulder, hung his head, and walked slowly toward the farmhouse.


For my current stable diffusion art project, I wanted to portray life on the farm for a beautiful, but lonely girl. Not knowing her true parentage, she lives a life of solitude until one night she receives a visitor. Her life changes forever as she realizes her special powers.

To create the beautiful image of the girl, I utilized a stable diffusion program StarryAI. I feel my descriptive text input helped to design my idea of an exotic female.

Below are my steps:

StarryAI Text input:
"An exotic and sensual female's world is seen from the mountaintop as she looks out over the horizon pondering her place in the universe of ethereal beings."

StarryAI Result:



To decorate the woman's face and body, I decided to use StarryAI again to create scrolls to represent the music and song. This was an excellent choice.

StarryAI Text input:
"Antique elegant Victorian scroll".

StarryAI Result:
I was excited to see the image create for the elegant scrolls. They were perfect as a design for music floating out of the woman's mouth.



To complete my project, I wanted to add tattoos ver her shoulders and face to provide an exotic look. I located a lovely free image with a transparent background.



Utilizing Canva, I was able to blend all images utilizing my Annual Pro Subscription Membership.

Here is the final version:



Thanks for taking the time to view my post. I hope you like my stable diffusion art project.



Happy rest of the week everyone with whatever your endeavors.







a) JustClickindiva's Footer created in Canva utilizing its free background and images used with permission from discord admins.
b) Unless otherwise noted, all photos taken by me with my (i) Samsung Galaxy 10" Tablet, (ii) Samsung Phone, & (iii) FUJI FinePix S3380 - 14 Mega Pixels Digital Camera
c) Purple Butterfly part of purchased set of Spiritual Clip Art for my Personal Use
d) All Community logos, banners, page dividers used with permission of Discord Channel admins.
e) Ladies of Hive banner used with permission of and in accordance with the admin's guidelines
f) Thumbnail Image created by me in Canva.
g) "Flames." What is Apophysis 2.09.

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