Colorful emanations of a dually faceted self-reflection in blue and gold

Greetings, artists from all worlds and all realities!

Today is a little different, as I am sharing some results from a model I have been training using

The following images were made using my custom build of Disco Diffusion, photo-manipulation, photobashing and sketching through Gimp and Inkscape, and post editing/composition in darktable.


After quite a long experimenting with prompts, settings, models, styles, parameters, etc...

I started obtaining results that I enjoyed, portrait-wise, in So I decided, why not simply train my own model for this style, since I can't find any that does it, and I now have plenty pictures of reference to feed the AI ?


Then, a few days later, the first results started looking promising.

I started adapting prompts to what I had in my mind, which was this Enki Bilal kind of portrait style, with lots of watercolor stains and mixing. I straight away decided on blue and gold, with a touch of rose/purple in pastel for the colors, as they fitted what I had in mind better, both in terms of emotion communicated, and of colors of expression through this watercolor style.


Tons and tons of different profiles and images to choose from.

Yet, I decided on these 2 variants of these 2 pairs, as they expressed the androgynous vibe I had in mind much better than the other, without falling completely in the category of non-human creature, too obviously anatomically different from each other.


From there, I refined the prompt and worked on details.

I kept fine-tuning my results day after day on, which takes a while since a free user is limited to 150 credits per day, but I want to see the full capability of this program before subscribing to any form of membership.

In any case, I'm satisfied with the model, I'm satisfied with and its UI, and you should give it a try if you have not already.



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