¿What's through the looking glass?


Imagine waking up one day and when you look in the mirror, see that something abnormal is reflected behind you, with the news that your face is transformed and deteriorates. How do you think your reaction would be if something unknown was pronounced before you? Would you keep calm to find out more or would you leave the place?

That is what I wanted to convey with this illustration, many times I have perceived shadows when I see myself in the mirror or walk in front of it, but never anything that can be distinguished more than that a "shadow" and I wonder what would be of me if I could distinguish what it really is what looms 😱 I would run hahaha.


Imaginen despertar un día y al momento de mirarse al espejo, observar que algo anormal se refleja detrás de ustedes, con la novedad de que su rostro se transforma y deteriora. ¿Cómo crees que seria tu reacción si algo desconocido se pronuncia ante ti? ¿Mantendrías la calma para saber mas o te irías del lugar?

Eso quise trasmitir con esta ilustración, muchas veces he percibido sombras cuando me veo en el espejo o transito ante el, pero nunca nada que se pueda distinguir mas que eso una "sombra" y me pregunto que seria de mi si pudiera distinguir que es realmente lo que se asoma. 😱 Yo saldría corriendo hahaha.


Proceso - Boceto 1️⃣ Process - Sketch

  • Programa Fire Alpaca.

Proceso - Color 2️⃣ Process - Color

Espero que les haya gustado mucho, beshito.
I hope you liked it a lot, kiss. 💋

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