Week 290 | My Splinterlands Art Contest Entry | Talia


I am happy that again, I was part of the winners last week! 🥳 I got the 3rd spot this time. If you want to join this week's contest, you may check out this blog.

For this week, I chose Talia!





For a twist, I made Talia as a human. I opted out the wings too because I want to focus on the hair. Roughly sketched using a colored layer. I used a solid pencil for the lineart. I separated the lineart for the eyes so that I can adjust it later.


Using separate layers, I filled the space with the base colors. On each layer, I started working the soft shadows.



Now, I incorporated the hard shadows using a solid pencil brush and then blur some parts for a different texture. On top of the shadows, I added shines especially on the hair. Here, I also drew a little fire above the hands.

Final Art


The background is just a simple white color and a little bit of flames on the lower part. I was thinking for an against the light so I added some blue hues on the edges of the character.

Finished art! ✨

Software: Clip Studio Paint Pro

That is it for this art blog. I will see you at the next one!
📸 All photos are owned and taken by me, otherwise credited. ©️jijisaurart

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