Reality stranger than any fiction. Pt. 1 Joseph Smith III

So it was like a typical sort of day for me. July 15, 2022 Decide to hit the garage sales for just something to do you know get out of the house so i end up at one of those connie montg. Estate sales. She has always been kind to me and i am vulnerable to her method of sales pitch and selling techniques but for the most part it always turned out well with the results. So this sale i was already in trouble with a low budget due to a car repair and subsequent motel bill coming back from colorado. But i was instructed to check out the basement and careful of the black mold. Now i have no idea why i just didnt put on a ventolator but i was in the basement for quite some time pulling odds and ends finding a few interesting curiosities when i saw it. A nineteenth century oil portrait of a bearded man. Maybe it was the black mold in my brain and the volumes of Mormon Literature around i thought to myself in a preternatural way that that was none other than joseph smith. I had never known what joseph smith looked like. I was raised methodist with a bit of catholic boy scouts and basketball. Was rather clueless about mormonism. Yet there it was like some cosmic all knowing wind. I extracted the canvas from the thick slice it with a bread knife black mold air and got it home with much effort being July 22 middle of summer hot. For that batch of stuff i had paid i cant remember 86$ for i had to drive to the bank to get the money. It was hot.
So yeah thats Joseph Smith the third.

I put out the wires and get a hit from Selkirks auction out of St. Louis for a person named Bryan Laughlin to check out the canvas. St. Louis is a three hour drive but i think to myself, anything to get myself away from being broke all the time. I had been doing good with a bit of buffer between red and black but i had messed that up.


So i drove, stopped off at Columbia Mo salvation army then drive drive drive made it there twenty minutes early.

Oh i forgot to mention i had discovered on July 21 a photo booth photo of Aleister Crowley, the Beast 666. I know him first and foremost through his comparative religious text 777.


The photo was acquired for a few dollars from an online dealer out of Burbank California. Crowley spent the last part of his life in LA at first as a heroin addict in poverty til a fan of his literature married him and restored the remainder of his illustrious life. It is an elegant and ferocious photo. If the face is the map the eyes are the portal to the soul. This photo speaks volumes


So July 27, 2022 i show Selkirks Bryan Laughlin the painting and he is able to ascertain that it is an authentic 19th century painting. I tell him about my identification and he gives me an inventory reciept stating oil on canvas - possibly joseph smith III.


I havent heard back from Selkirks and its August 6. I am a bit concerned i had been told that i would be contacted by so and so but that did not happen. Mr. Lauglin had gone out of town (perhaps to Salt Lake City) and i have not recieved any replys to my messages im familiar with being ghosted with ladies but not so much with business.

Then something happened that would make all of the above seem small. It was like another reality stranger than any fiction moment for certain. A miracle? Holographic reality? Glitch in the matrix? All of the above? None of the above?!

Find out in Part 2.


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Here is my alien art hive edit of the magnificent Crowley photo!

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