Alric Stormbringer - Splinterlands Art Contest Week 248


Good morning to all @splinterlands players, as this time we are entering the weekly challenge of Splinterlands Art Contest Week 248

The card to choose was Alric Stormbringer,

Something about his design caught my attention, so I decided that I would make this character, but add some extra elements to reflect more power.

! [castellano]
Muy buenas a todos los jugadores de @splinterlands , pues esta ves entrando al reto semanal de Splinterlands Art Contest Week 248

La carta a eligir fue Alric Stormbringer.

Algo en su diseño me llamaba bastante la atención, asi que decidí que elaboraría este personaje, pero añadiéndole algunos elementos extra para reflejar el poder.




I use the Paint Tool Sai to draw the outline, so I look at the reference card and start to draw the wizard's face.

When I got to the top of the head, I thought a hood was a bad choice,
as it seemed to cover the bald head of an elderly mage, so putting the mage's hair down sounded better to me.

! [castellano]
Para elaborar el trazo uso el Paint Tool Sai, asi que observo la carta de referencia y comienzo a estocar el rostro del mago.

Cuando llegue a la parte de la cima de la cabeza, pense que una capucha era una mala eleccion,
pues pareciera que cubre la calva de su cabeza de un mago anciano, asi que ponerle cabello al mago suelto sonaba mejor para mi.




Another element to take advantage of were his pointed shoulder pads, so it was elementary that his cloak was placed closing in front of him.
As if he were a golden knight of the zodiac.

I used the same colors to paint the character.

although in my mind it weighed something, as if the skin tone was more of a swamp mage than a cold weather one.

! [castellano]
otro elemento a aprovechar fueron sus hombreras puntiagudas, asi que era elemental que su capa estuviera puesta cerrando de frente.
Como si fuera un caballero de Oro del zodiaco

Use los mismos colores de referencia para pintar el personaje

aunque por mi mente pesaba algo, como si el tono de piel fuera mas de un mago de pantano que uno de clima frio


I elaborated a slight modification to the colors to give a concept of the character N°2.

this time, his reddish skin burned by the cold, and some different tones in his clothes, pointed to an even more imposing wizard, because his physical presence improved with these colors.

But then I realized that such a drastic change might not be to the judges' liking, so I went back to the basic concept of the character.

! [castellano]
elabore una ligera modificacion a los colores para dar un concepto del personaje N°2

esta ves, su piel rojiza quemada por el frio, y unos tonos diversos en su vestimenta, apuntaban hacia un mago aun mas imponente, pues su presencia fisica mejoro con dichos colores.

Pero luego analice que un cambio tan drastico, tal vez no sea del agrado de los jueces, asi que retome el concepto basico del personaje.



To enhance the wizard story, I looked for a background image on pixabay, usually just a frozen tundra.
But I found an image that looked quite similar to the wizard.

So with that concept came to my mind that the wizard, is the lord and master of that glacial pass, so much so that a large statue of himself commanded his respect and dominion.

! [castellano]
Para realzar la historia del mago, busqué una imagen de fondo en pixabay, normalmente sólo una tundra helada.
Pero encontré una imagen que se parecía bastante a la del mago.

Asi que con ese concepto vino a mi mente que el mago, es el lord y señor de ese paso glacial, tanto que una gran estatua de si mismo imponia su respeto y dominio.


when trying to use canva, and give transparency to the wizard, his beard and other decorative elements also became translucent.

Even if I used other online programs, the aforementioned elements of the wizard were ruined.

So I resorted to "the old reliable", Microsoft PowerPoint on the PC.

! [castellano]
al intentar usar canva, y darle transparencia al mago, su barba y otros elementos decorativos tambien se volvían translucidos.

Asi yo usara otros programas online, los elementos del mago ya mencionados se arruinaban

Por ello recurrí "a la vieja confiable", el Microsoft PowerPoint del pc.


mago splin.png

So I added other elements to the wizard.

A chain of another, the Hive logo on his belt, a dying sun in the background, infusing him with more power since he is so powerful, he can freeze the sun.

Obviously some crows symbolizing death, a small pet, an ice dragon, which will receive gold from passers-by as a tribute to the magician, or perish on the spot.

This is how pro is the magician who tamed a dragon and made it his servant.

Although the dragon is only an element of respect, since the wizard himself can send storms and frost killing humans who do not pay the gold to pass through his domain.

! [castellano]
Asi que añadi otros elementos para enchular al mago.

Una cadena de otro, el logo de Hive en su cinturon, un sol de fondo moribundo, infundiendo a un mas poder ya que él es tan poderoso, que puede congelar el sol.

obviamente unos cuervos que simbolizan muerte, una pequeña mascota, un dragon de hielo, que ira recibiendo el oro de los transeúntes como tributo al mago, o perecedera en el acto.

Asi de pro es el mago que domino un dragon y lo volvio su sirviente.

Aunque el dragón solo es un elemento de respeto, ya que el mago por si mismo puede enviar tormentas y heladas matando a los humanos que no paguen el oro para pasar por sus dominios.



Maybe the set of elements, the hair, the forehead cloak, the chain, the landscape, the ice mountain of himself, the fading sun and the dragon, take for granted that he is a super powerful magician.
One of those wizards to be feared, for he annihilates cities and towns with just one spell if he is in a bad mood.

Luckily, the wizard is greedy, so gold in hand is the salvation of humans.

! [castellano]
Puede que el conjunto de elementos, el cabello, la capa de frente, la cadena, el paisaje, la montaña de hielo de si mismo, el sol apagándose y el dragón, dan por hecho que es un mago super poderoso.
De esos magos que deber temer, pues aniquila ciudades y pueblos con solo un conjuro si esta de mal humor.

Por suerte, le mago es codicioso, asi que el oro en mano es la salvación de los humanos.

resources used

Paint Tool SAI
Microsoft PowerPoint
Images background / fog, necklace and raven / Sun / Dragon

Mp4 to gif Online-convert

Music for free use by Pixabay
Music by Gioele Fazzeri from Pixabay

The video editor I use to assemble this video is:
VideoPad, video editor

Deepl Translator

Credits to @hive , @splinterlands logos

! [Portada]
00007 - portada.png



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