Armorsmith - Splinterlands Art Contest Week 249


Good morning to all @splinterlands players, as this time we are entering the weekly challenge of Splinterlands Art Contest Week 249

The card to choose was Armorsmith

! [castellano]
Muy buenas a todos los jugadores de @splinterlands , pues esta ves entrando al reto semanal de Splinterlands Art Contest Week 249

La carta a eligir fue Armorsmith




something in its design caught my attention, because it kept that style of rpg character with its attack posture...and if I'm talking about the old games of tactical movement by turns and grid on the ground advancing.

So without further hesitation he proceeds to look for an image of human models with pose postures, and free of use, to crystallize the line.

! [castellano]
algo en su diseño me llamo muchisimo la atencion, pues mantenia ese estilo de personaje de rpg con su postura de ataque...y si hablo de los antiguos juegos de movimiento táctico por turnos y cuadricula en el suelo avanzando.

Asi que sin mas reparos procede a buscar una imagen de modelos humanos con posturas de pose, y libres de uso, para cristalizar el trazo

armadure herreo gif.gif

try to respect the design of the card as similar as possible to the author's, to give the effect that we are talking about the same card.

But something in his color palette didn't convince me, that is, the blue tone of the suit, made him look more like an RPG hero than a character who works in the forge making weapons.

so my brain was screaming at me to modify the color tones to something different to keep me satisfied.

! [castellano]
intente respetar el diseño de la carta lo mas similar posible a la del autor, para así dar ese efecto de que estamos hablando de la misma tarjeta.

Pero algo en su paleta de colores no me terminaba de convencer, es decir, el tono azul del traje, le hacían ver mas como un héroe de RPG que un personaje que trabaje en la herrería forjando armas

asi que mi cerebro me gritaba que modificara los tonos de color, a algo distinto para mantenerme satisfecho.


At this point, I didn't know which of the two designs to continue working on, because I had to choose only one design to continue coloring.

Obviously the red suit dazzled me more because it showed characteristics of fire in his clothing, as well as a better appreciation of lines and details in his chest.

But after analyzing, I continued with design number 1, as the character would possibly not be identified at a glance by changing the colors dramatically for others.
Well unless you're a very detailed #Splinterlands player and know what card it is just by looking at the art.

! [castellano]

llegado hasta este punto, no sabia cual de los 2 diseños seguir trabajando, pues debia elegir 1 para seguir coloreando.

obviamente el traje rojo me deslumbraba mas pues demostraba características de fuego en su vestimenta, asi como una mejor apreciación de lineas y detalles en su pecho.

Pero luego de analizar, continué con el diseño numero 1, ya que posiblemente no se identificaría el personaje a primera vista al cambiar los colores por otros
Bueno a menos que seas un jugador muy detallista de #Splinterlands y sepas de que personaje se trata con solo mirarlo.


thnx_by_looji_dcev28w-pre - copia1 - copia.png


I had a lot of fun trying to recreate the stroke style, at some point I also added some free-use weapons that I found in freepik, although they are just to decorate the background and highlight that he is a blacksmith who makes weapons for the other fighters of the splinterlads game.
but I guess I gave up when I unconsciously put a comparison with the iron throne of game of thrones.

but I think I desisted from placing it as a final result when I unconsciously put "a comparison with the iron throne of game of thrones".

Even so I add it for mere curiosity and not to discard ideas.

! [castellano]
Me diverti bastante tratando de recrear el estilo del trazo, en determinado momento también añadí armas de uso libre que encontré en freepik, aunque solo son para decorar el fondo y resaltar que él es un herrero que fabrica armas para los demas luchadores del juego de splinterlads.
pero creo que desistí de colocarlo como resultado final al poner inconscientemente "una comparación con el trono de hierro de juego de tronos".

Aun así lo añado por mera curiosidad y no descartar ideas.

thnx_by_looji_dcev28w-pre - copia1111.png

Image of free-use weapons taken from Freepik.

I must say that I also finished design 2, and so I add it anyway...and yes, I know it's double work, but I think that feeling comfortable with yourself is the most important thing.
And it's one of those things that if you don't finish, you won't be able to sleep.

I added a change of color to the hammer to a darker one to reflect hardness and in her hair a ponytail braid.

! [castellano]
Cabe decir que igualmente termine el diseño 2, y pues lo añado igualmente...y si, se que es doble trabajo, pero creo que sentirse uno a gusto con sigo mismo es lo importante.
Y de por si son de esas cosas que si no finalizas, luego no te dejan conciliar el sueño.

Le añadí una cambio de color al martillo a uno mas oscuro para reflejar dureza y en su cabello una trenza de cola de caballo.

thnx_by_looji_dcev28w-pre - copia2.png

I think this ends the concept of the Armorsmith character.

I hope you enjoyed it

And tell me, which design form caught your attention the most?

! [castellano]
Creo que con esto termina el concepto del personaje Armorsmith

espero que lo disfrutaras

¿y dime, que forma de diseño te llamo mas la atención?

resources used

Paint Tool SAI
Image the pose archives

Image of free-use weapons taken from Freepik.

Mp4 to gif Online-convert


Music for free use by Gioele Fazzeri from Pixabay

The video editor I use to assemble this video is:
video pad video editor

screen recoder
snagit editor

DeepL Translator

Credits to @hive , @splinterlands, @threespeak logos

! [Portada]



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