First one who comments gets free art!


From me. NFT art. That is in NFT Showroom. My art. Art that I made. From me to you. Absolutely free. Just say so and I will obey.

Comment here to this post something that clearly indicates that you want to have one, like: "Me me me me me, I want, I want, I want!" or "Am I the first one? I want, give me!" (You get the idea.) And I shall fill your request.


So you need to be quick. Or not because I don't have that many followers. But anyway, you should be quick. Just comment first, think later.

And after being quick all you need to say is which one you want and if you have any requests on the edition (number one, two or any other number that is left) tell me that too. Also, to be absolutely sure that I'll transfer the art to the right account, tell me which account you want me to transfer the art to.


Go to and pick one. Give me the name of the art and comment on your comment which piece of art you want if I have not yet asked you. That's it. I will transfer you one of my NFT art to your NFT Showroom account. To your collection.

Only one person, the one who is quick enough gets one edition and gets to choose which one. And it can be any of the art I have not yet sold that is in my possession and is mine to sell and is for sale at this very moment.

And although I wrote comment first, think later, I would prefer you to tell me sooner that later after the first comment which art piece you want.


Depending on how many actually are interested, I might do this again soon. On some random time and date of course.

There is a small chance that perhaps, maybe I can be persuaded to put one piece on sale for one Hive. Yes, only 1 Hive so if you are not the first one to comment, you still should mention which piece you would have wanted to have for free if you would have been the quickest. Because if I feel like it, I might put that, or the most popular one for sale for one Hive. And that is practically almost free too.

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