I Never Finish Anything | Digital Art


I Never Finish Anything

There are times that when we get overwhelmed with expectations on ourselves, we become paralyzed. So perfectionist that we feel like we can't finish anything anymore, even simple tasks. It feels like the unfinished tasks are bigger than us.

There's a few sweets left waiting... But now, it's the one eating us.

Vyankka divider.png

This is a digital version of my oil painting one. I love the painting that I want to animate it as a gif. :D I don't actually like painting similar ones again, but this one is an exception. I painted this one from scratch, so it's not like a modified version or something.

I recorded the process of this one but I have to edit it cos the process was quite long since there are 4 figures and have many breaks in between.

This is going to be minted soon on Makersplace.

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