Splinterlands Art Contest Week 290! - Blackmoor Trickster

Hello alien and splinterland community, today I come to show you the drawing I made for this week's @splinterlands contest. This is a traditional drawing made with a mechanical pencil, colored pencils and a rapidograph for the outlining and certain details on the body and shoulder protector on A4 paper, I chose this character to satisfy a little the desire to draw something fantastic and at the same time give a little more human touch to this great design, I also wanted to give him a different pose, something thoughtful, always with his flute in his hand. I hope you like this drawing and good luck to all the contestants.


hola comunidad alien y de splinterland, hoy vengo a mostrarles el dibujo que hice para el concurso de esta semana de @splinterlands este es un dibujo tradicional hecho con portaminas, lapices de color y rapidografo para el delineado y ciertos detalles en el cuarpo y protector de hombro sobre papel A4, elegi este personaje para saciar un poco las ansias de dibujar algo fantastico y a la vez darle un toque un poco mas humano a este diseño genial, quise darle tambien un pose distinta, algo pensativo, siempre con su flauta en su mano, espero les guste este dibujo y suerte a todos los concursantes.








Blackmoor Trickster.jpg

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