Cosmic Creations: Alien spaceships from the planet Sirius

Alien ships from the planet Sirius resemble pyramids in shape, made of a material resembling crystal or diamond in appearance. The very material from which they are made allows them to collect a huge amount of energy from antimatter.
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There is a suspicion that the pyramids on Earth, in Egypt, are just such spaceships of aliens from Sirius, only that they have lost their functionality and are disguised.
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Aliens from Sirius are quite beautiful, and similar to us, only they have blue skin. This is due to the special blue emission of their home star.
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Alien ships from Sirius are quite different in shape and have different models, since this civilization has been plowing the expanses of space for more than a thousand years and their ships have gone through their evolution. However, all of them are united by a crystal structure and a shape close to pyramidal.
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✍ Богдан Карасьов (Bogdan Karasiov, Ukraine), June 17, 2023.

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