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Time loops - Meditation to untie them

I step into the dark ocean of myself and look at my life from the outside. From chaos, tiny fragments of my consciousness condense into tangible forms. From the timeless, I contemplate time, winding like a thin thread, tangled and forming loops that enclose separate worlds. Within them, a continuous repetition flows through eternity.
These loops seem impossible to untie and hold my soul captive. It's all a Gordian knot!
Alexander the Great solved this with a sword cut, but I must not choose this method, otherwise I will be lost in time and will not be able to return to this world.


So I untie the knots carefully and slowly, moving from loop to loop, while the imprints of the events within them fade and melt into the chaos, leaving a lightness behind. My mind is freed! I gently cleanse the strands and apply a thought-created "oil" that keeps them from tangling again and keeps them flexible, just like my hair here in 3D.


As the loops disappear, new worlds open up for me. I don't know why I insisted on those loops so long, they only caused me problems and pain as they tightened and strangled me.
They have started to appear in my body, but now, following the mental smoothing, they are slowly disappearing.


There is beautiful, harmonious music inside me, in my heart. The strands of time become strings, part of a violin. The body of the violin is my body, the resonator. The bow is also me, my own acting part, my spirit.


In the great symphony of life, I am the solo violinist with my instrument together.
This symphony spreads its sonic vibrations to infinity and creates new, wonderful worlds.


My picture was drawn with watercolor brush pen, washed with some water, some metallic acrylic, white fibre pen and needle pointed pen on watercolor paper.

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