From the Shadows - Rick & Morty Fan Art


It might be a scary ride, but this botanical brew, Rick & Morty, will take you through your deepest darkest corners, so from there you can see how bright your heart is.

Let it Sit

Sometimes with art, you have to be really patient. There's times when you push so hard, and get somewhere, but maybe that's not the end of that road. This happened to me with this art.

I made this piece (part of it) as an exercise that an artist named BeeJay DeLong made in his facebook group every week or something. This was about 4 years ago.

The exercise was to make something inside this shape (sorry I cut it from the bottom - I didn't save the original.


And so I came up with this

.. which unfortunately I did wrong! lol.

The point was to use the black line as the edge for the subject. My entry wasn't even considered to be shown in the top entries, because it was wrong.. What was I thinking?

I really liked it though, but the illustration was now trapped inside that shape. So three years later, I decided to take it out by finishing the missing parts.


And then, I got a hit of more inspiration that made me complete the concept. What if.. that black goop, was like visions from an entheogen - more specifically Ayahuasca - ? Why not!?

So in march this year (2022), I decided to do some more digital painting to make an overlay of the original.


Enter the Glitch!

I was thrilled!! However, not satisfied (enough), and wanting to take it even further, I decided to make a glitchy animation out of it, since the "digital" theme has been so predominant in my life for the last decade.

Experiment the Trend

I had abstained myself from using this type of effect, since I've always kinda have naturally stayed away from trends.. But lately I really don't care that much about that anymore and just went for it. I think it's ok to experiment - even if it's something trendy. I now think that trying to always be original is not something I want to be pressured by (by myself) and it's not even necessary.

Having the freedom to experiment with whatever I feel like, and not constrained by limiting ideas, thoughts or beliefs, has actually made me feel better and ironically, less uptight.

Wanna create teddy bears like everyone is doing? Go for it and give it your twist! Can't find that twist? don't worry about it. Just keep flowing. Keep creating. You'll find it in the way.

A Glitchy Frame

And so a few days ago.. after having the finished animated motion graphics for a few months, I decided to finally publish it. I started to make the Instagram post for it, when suddenly it hit, that the animation was missing something.. SOUND!

I usually think too much about doing this kinda stuff but this time I just immediately went for it. I started to download sounds to add to it. (Static and radio effects from Then I opened LMMS - LMMS is a free, open source, multiplatform digital audio workstation (From their Site Here.) and created a little loop with some audio effects! After a few hours, it was ready to go!


Final piece with sound 'From the Shadows' at Instagram

The Walls Aren't Closing In - At Least Not All the Time

In my experience, with art, there is no better thing than creating without pressure. Unfortunately that's not always possible most of the time. Do to pressure in paying bills, or maybe just even creating something to put it out there, to keep the algorithm of social media happy, sometimes it feels like the walls have been closing in on me some times - a lot of the time.

Thoughts of people that grind 24/7 usually linger in my mind, but really, that's not how I flow. Specially now that I'm doing art as a hobby and not professionally (thanks goodness), I'm at least free from the pressure of making money with it - even though it's one of my long term plans to do so. I just wish that I find a way to create peacefully and at my own rhythm. I feel like not doing it that way creates tension and stress that really doesn't vibe with what I'm trying to express through my creations;

To create without the constraints and pressures of today's society, whether that is the lack of time, or the minimization or discrimination of certain topics, styles or ways. Or more simply put, to create whatever flows, whenever that is. Is that even possible? Too much to ask?

I believe Life is tough enough already to add unnecessary pressure on ourselves, so here I remind myself one more time:

Take it easy.

That's how I like to flow. That's how I TRY to flow.

Final piece with sound 'From the Shadows' at Instagram

Last but not least, download the Eyejack App from this linkand scan the QR code for the AR (Augmented Reality) experience! 🙃

I will make this an NFT soon. If you're interested, DM me

If you like my art, please support my Art-Life Dream:

All my links: Linktree

I'm mostly active on Twitter

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Dreaming art into life through doodles, colors, fun and good vibes.

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