Cosmic Creations Theme: Mythology (Thor Vs Kraken), Digital Art

Hello friends!

I'm back again today😁

How are you today?

May you all be happy and blessed by God in all your activities today☺.

Today I am posting again, I dedicate this work to follow COSMIC CREATIONS from @alienarthive and @ocd with the theme this time: Mythology.

In this work, I depict Norse Mythology, namely Thor, the God of Lightning, fighting the Kraken, which is a giant octopus or squid that terrorizes many sailors while sailing.

The Thor that I made refers to Thor from the Nordic stories who appears as a man with a beard, tattoos, long reddish-brown hair, a chubby body and a tall, tall fiber holding a large hammer called Mjonier which has the power of lightning.

Here it tells the story of where Thor was sailing on his ship and was attacked by the Kraken, so a fight broke out between Thor, the God of Lightning and the Kraken, the sea monster who used to terrorize sailors.

Hopefully this work can inspire all friends in this community☺

I hope you like my content this time, and thank you for supporting me in this community.

Tools I use:
Windows 7 computer, Wacom Cintiq 13HD and Clip Studio Paint.

Stages from Sketch to line art


Final rendering result:

Thank you for visiting my blog this time.

And until the end of this blog, see you again friends😁😄

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