[All the time] [ GIF ]

Greetings to all. Today, I wish to present to you my latest creation titled "Throughout Time." Why have I chosen this name? It emanates from its immobility through the relentless passage of time. As time elapses, my mind becomes increasingly fixated on it. I entertain the notion that time does not truly exist; it remains frozen in a single moment, and this multitude of moments gives rise to the illusion of passing time. Our minds perceive time as an animated sequence, unfolding in a myriad of images. Animation begets time, and without animation, time remains non-existent. A painting remains static, outside the realm of time; it does not move, as movement is attributed to its surroundings. When moved from point A to point B, it remains unaltered; it is the material surrounding it that comes to life. This contemplation prompts the question: are we akin to the frozen painting, and is it the movement of our surroundings that gives us the illusion of motion? Today, my thoughts may be a bit unconventional, but nonetheless, I wish you a pleasant weekend in the meantime.

Photo I took of the sky with a few rays crossing the clouds

Start of the project and assembly of the font and face representing time



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