Max Art Attack: "Monster Duo"

Hello AI art lovers!

I think that when you face these monsters it will probably be the end of your life. No one can escape the wrath of these dual monsters because you cannot escape their powers.

On the right is the Lava Monster which has the ability to spew lava around it. The lava it spews is so hot that you will dissolve immediately when you get close to it. You can't escape him easily because he also moves very quickly like a monitor lizard. He can spew lava from a long distance so he also has long-range capabilities; do you think you can escape him? His outer skin is also very strong so the canons will not penetrate him either.

On the left is the Biochemical Monster! As the name implies, it emits toxic green slime and green smoke. The toxic chemicals it emits are enough to disseminate to an entire population of a city. The green slime he emits can melt steel so the metal bunkers you have won't work either. The tandem of these two monsters is a killer combination that will guarantee the extinction of mankind.

Which of these two monsters do you think is the strongest?

"Monster Duo"

League of Monsters.jpg

"Lava Monster"

8x - Lava Monster Splashing Lava Smoke And Destruc.png

"Biochemical Monster"

8x - Biochemical Monster Splashing Green Chemical .png

All artworks were created using Starry Ai app

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Curamax Footer.jpg

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