Attack of the Giant Praying Mantis

Among all of the artwork that I created for this series, this new set is probably the one that struck me the most fear in me. The appearance of the giant mantis is a nightmare for anyone that is smaller or weaker than this creature. I bet this creature can run fast and it's also capable of flying which is enough reason for anyone to keep running away to find a bunker that the claws can't penetrate.

In creating this artwork, I used keywords that describe how the mantis would look like. Although I made a detailed description of the possible outcome, I was surprised that the Ai has been interpreted well beyond the keywords; some of the mantes were turned into creatures that exist outside of this world. They were turned into an alien specie. Here are the results that I got.


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All artworks were created using Starry Ai app

>>> Attack of the Giant Boogeyman and the Killer Pacman! <<<

>>> Attack of the Basilisk & Killer Croc! <<<

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