Cryptic Chronic, work in progress legendary


sketch for nft

Quick sketch on one of the upcoming Legendary NFT's I am putting out for My Project Utopis. All funds go back into Hive one way or another.

Also some of these nfts gives you something* for owning one. no Idea what that something is but 😎.

The theme I am going for is Monster type characters or nft models.

Here are the latest two that have been sold off.


I have a sweet looking one I am about to tokenize and making it official only on the Hive blockchain.

This is one of many projects that will come about from Project Utopis. Building is a way of life.

You can find them here.


"I want to connect with other projects to delegate success",

I said that once,

Tokenomics of Project Utopis

  • Total Hard Cap: 1 Million Tokens~
  • Total Burnt (null) 850,000
  • Total Minted: 150,000 and in circulation (80776.7836134) held by accounts, I currently hold 69,223.21638656
  • Current true* price of Utopis 5 hive, Market price is 3.5 hive

“The Best Time To Be Is Now, And All’s We Can Say Is...Let’s Rock!”

You can you buy Utopis on Tribaldex, If you prefer Hive Engine Both are made by the HE team.

Project Utopis Whitepaper

I have wrote many pieces on Utopis and what my goals and motivations are but in the end it's to be able to provide a project that pays out and grows almost passively with a bit of tweaks along the way, I have ideas coming and going almost everyday, I am in the works for another way to grow value for Utopis.

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