VOTE FOR TWO of your FAVORITES ~ Mixed Bag

~ An Assortment of Variety ~

Sometimes when running the prompts, I end up with mixed results. There is always a lot of variety and a wide assortment to choose from, but one could spend an endless amount of time refining one particular idea. So, I thought it would be interesting to get your perspectives on which of this assortment is your favorite and why! I am enjoying the new poll feature. It's interesting to have the participation and feedback that doesn't always come in the comment section as I have hoped.

For this round of selections I chose some outcomes from more recent generative sessions. I thought it would be cool to mix it up a bit and have a little more variety in the choices for the poll. I intend on minting the winners of the polls at NFT Showroom built on Hive soon. For now, I am still gathering data and sharing interesting outcomes from the prompts.

I would love for you to click the number of your selection in the poll to cast your vote. You will have 2 votes in this poll as opposed to the single votes I have allowed so far. Your newest click on the poll will override your previous pick. So, if you vote five times... only your last two will count. The votes can be changed anytime within the voting period. So, keep in mind you all have 2 Votes per person. Also keep in mind, if you vote more than two times... Only Your last 2 Votes Count.









My friend suggested that I do some prompts with the name of the artist Alphonse Mucha for some influence in the AI Generations of art. Little did she know that I had already been using him for some inspiration and influence in my prompts. Mucha really had some fantastic art in his day!

We spent some time last year house and cat sitting for a friend of the family. The cat there, which is a Norwegian Forrest Cat, just had kittens. We will be bringing one of those kittens home next week. I mention that to say this, while we were there they had a really awesome art book and wouldn't you know... it was of the life's work of Alphonse Mucha! I went through that book with avid interest.

How YOU Doin?


~ Run of the Mill ~

To be honest, I wouldn't say any images that I generate and then share here on Hive are 'Run Of The Mill.' In fact, I really like most of the images I generate even if there is such a minute and minuscule difference from one to another. I find that each generated image has it's own unique charm and subtlety. Placing value on which unique charm and subtlety is better or worse is another matter. So, that's why I like to poll you all for your creative and different input with feedback.







Some of the images in this post are of real people with real classical art influences. Some of these are fictional characters influenced by other artists considered a bit less classical. Regardless, most of these generated images are beautiful in more ways than one and I would love to hear your opinions.



Since this is my first poll with two options, I am going to mint the top 2 selected. This should make the results of the polling a bit more interesting.

Lucky Dragon Approves


~ Exceptional Quality ~

I love the variety of options with AI art. From color schemes to artist style influence, there is as many options as you have the creativity to prompt. Sometimes, so many options makes it overwhelming to decide on the spot what you want created.

I also have mentioned in the past about how I can have an idea at the start and then venture off on a tangent for hours locking in on just one aspect. Generating one image from another and trying to navigate that creative process is fun but also repetitive if the outcomes are not varying by much.



But, the time and effort put forth is worth it if you want to generate exceptional quality images not just based on the capability of the AI but based on the human element of inputs. I try to make my mark on the images but most of the credit would still go to the AI. I think it's more of the initiative to have a creative concept in mind and following up with effective prompts that makes the difference.







As we move forward into the future with AI, it will only have a greater role to play in all of our lives', like it or not. However, setting apart the ability to use AI will be a skill set that will probably never completely go away.

For now, I am just having fun and sharing some of that fun with you all. I would love to hear your thoughts and feedback on which 2 images you voted for and why! I have a couple of favorites in this list myself and I will probably reveal them in the comments. But, I would love to hear what exactly made any I'm you found intriguing more successful than the others.

I appreciate everyone's time and participation in checking out my post and artwork. I appreciate it even more if you vote and mention in the comments your reasoning for choosing your 2 votes in contrast to the others you chose not to vote for.

I will be curating comments with meaningful responses quite a bit more than the other comments that are just fragments of passing by. I do appreciate those who pass by and take time to comment... but not as much as those that actually care about what they are commenting about!

Until Next Time, Take Care

Feel free to leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments.
Thanks again and don't forget to cast your 2 votes!


VOTE FOR TWO of your FAVORITES ~ Mixed Bag
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