There & Back Again 5

~ Right Round ~

It's been a wild ride of parenthood these last few weeks. With the holiday and a peanut allergy hospital visit... things have been busy, needless to say. I wanted to give an update but also share some art sooner but better late than never is what I always say. This post was an incentive to create some generative art either way and I have to say it's been pretty fun to have created anything at all in what little downtime life affords me these days!

metallic sheen flapper pinup centerfold artwork goya style josephine wall lisa frank color / sampler euler_k / model zavychromaxl


metallic sheen flapper pinup centerfold artwork goya style josephine wall lisa frank color / sampler heun_k / model zavychromaxl


metallic sheen flapper pinup centerfold artwork goya style josephine wall lisa frank color / sampler heun_k / model zavychromaxl


Get Back To Work


Food For Thought

I originally made the 'There & Back Again' series to archive all my old generated images. However, I decided for this post to just show off new stuff that I made just for this post. I didn't want to waste time going far back into the discord logs and message searches and scavenging for the better images that I haven't shared yet. I did share the images along with the prompts, samplers, and model info.

fantasy art image of a spaghetti tornado and enormous thunderclouds raining meatballs Ron Barrett illustration style [unconvincing, unrealistic, blurry, distorted] / sampler euler_a / model zavychromaxl


fantasy art image of a spaghetti tornado and enormous thunderclouds raining meatballs Ron Barrett illustration style [unconvincing, unrealistic, blurry, distorted] / sampler heun_k / model zavychromaxl


fantasy art image of a spaghetti tornado and enormous thunderclouds raining meatballs Ron Barrett illustration style [unconvincing, unrealistic, blurry, distorted] / sampler heun_k / model zavychromaxl


fantasy art image of a spaghetti tornado and enormous thunderclouds raining meatballs Ron Barrett illustration style [unconvincing, unrealistic, blurry, distorted] / sampler heun_k / model zavychromaxl


fantasy art image of a spaghetti tornado and enormous thunderclouds raining meatballs Ron Barrett illustration style [unconvincing, unrealistic, blurry, distorted] / sampler heun_k / model zavychromaxl


One of my favorite books when I was a child is called Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs. I really loved the concept behind the story and the illustrations were great. The illustrations had a distinct style that carried the story into my imagination. The generated runs above were modeled after an attempt to try and recreate or mimic that particular style.

Cloudy With a Chance of MeatBalls

Apparently, they made a movie recently (see gif above) but after I saw the trailer I wasn't too thrilled to see the animated film. The potential of what the book had to offer seems to have fallen very short by the looks of things. I will reserve a final judgement on the movie until after I actually see it.

Eye Candy

One of my favorite board games growing up was CandyLand. The name is pretty self-explanatory. It's a race of the players to try and navigate the board to see who can finish first! The board is a landscape of Candy characters and perilous but interesting terrain. It's a little like Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory but a whole LAND as opposed to just a part of a factory. The opportunities with this topic and possible imagery is virtually neverending.

llustrated Hasbro's Candyland Candy Cand forest (Lisa Frank, Josephine Wall, vivid color & Brian Froud style exquisite detail, children's book cover illustration [name, words, letters, sentences, signature<neg-sketch-3>] / sampler heun_k / model realitiesedgexl


lllustrated Hasbro's Candyland Candy forest (Lisa Frank, Josephine Wall, vivid color & Brian Froud style exquisite detail, children's book cover illustration [name, words, letters, sentences, signature<neg-sketch-3>] / sampler heun_k / model realitiesedgexl


lllustrated Hasbro's Candyland Candy forest (Lisa Frank, Josephine Wall, vivid color & Brian Froud style exquisite detail, children's book cover illustration [name, words, letters, sentences, signature<neg-sketch-3>] / sampler heun_k / model realitiesedgexl


lllustrated Hasbro's Candyland Candy forest (Lisa Frank, Josephine Wall, vivid color & Brian Froud style exquisite detail, children's book cover illustration [name, words, letters, sentences, signature<neg-sketch-3>] / sampler heun_k / model zavychromaxl


llustrated Hasbro's Candyland Candy forest (Lisa Frank, Josephine Wall, vivid color & Brian Froud style exquisite detail, children's book cover illustration [name, words, letters, sentences, signature<neg-sketch-3>] / sampler heun_k / model zavychromaxl


llustrated Hasbro's Candyland Candy forest (Lisa Frank, Josephine Wall, vivid color & Brian Froud style exquisite detail, children's book cover illustration [name, words, letters, sentences, signature<neg-sketch-3>] / sampler heun_k / model zavychromaxl

Wearied Whims

Finally, I wanted to try some things that haven't worked so well in the past. Cthulu and Punisher are two subjects that I have played around with before but the results were either horrible or bad enough I didn't want to commit the time and synonym skills to crafting a proper prompt.

So, just for giggles I gave them another go and it looks like the tech is far enough along now that it won't take nearly as much time to get really good results with some effort into the prompts. As you can see from most of this post's image prompts... none of them are too complex, specific, or lengthy.

cthulu portrait HR Giger Wayne Barlowe style, cosmic background [unconvincing, unrealistic, blurry, distorted] / sampler heun_k / model zavychromaxl


cthulu portrait HR Giger Wayne Barlowe style, cosmic background [unconvincing, unrealistic, blurry, distorted] / sampler heun_k / model zavychromaxl


cthulu portrait HR Giger Wayne Barlowe style, cosmic background [unconvincing, unrealistic, blurry, distorted] / sampler heun_k / model wowxl


The Punisher has a special place in my heart for a few reasons. The Punisher skull logo design has always been one of my favorites. I can't tell you how many times over the last few years that I have run a few prompts with it and had some very lackluster results. However, now the simplest standard definition models and the xl models seem to do a decent job with a minimal amount of prompting. So, I made these to show you!

sleek Metallic sheen (punisher skull logo symmetrical) rusty minimalistic realistic [<neg-sketch-3>] / sampler euler_a / model zavychromaxl


sleek Metallic sheen (punisher skull logo) minimalistic realistic [<neg-sketch-3>] / sampler euler_a / model realitiesedgexl


sleek Metallic sheen (punisher skull logo) minimalistic realistic [<neg-sketch-3>] / sampler euler_a / model realitiesedgexl


realistic punisher skull stylized logo [<neg-sketch-3>]/ sampler euler_a / modeljuggernautlightning


american flag metallic sheen punisher skull logo / sampler euler_a / model realitiesedgexl


I think they turned out better than I expected and it almost sucked me into making a zillion more images. But this time... as I mentioned, I needed to just finish this post and get the monkey of it off my back. It took way longer to finish this post than I thought. The holiday I mentioned before was Easter if that tells you anything. hahaha

So, until I get a bit more time I will hold off on making more and better Punisher images. Punishment is postponed! Hahaha

Punishment Postponed


Join Us For The FREE Fun

i wanted to share with everyone the opportunity to do this yourself for free! Come join Ausbit's Discord and illustrate your imagination via text prompts using the bot with a zillion settings for free by clicking this invitation link.

I highly recommend coming and giving it a try! You can tag me on discord @ castleberry#6859 and i will help you out the best i can. Or, if i see you there, i might just tweak your prompts with you and save you some credits while helping you refine your concepts.

Thanks For Stopping By & For Your Support

I appreciate your time and attention. Please, let me know in the comments which image you liked best and why. I love the more detailed feedback. It can really help to motivate as well as synergize ideas for future projects and posts! If you have any ideas about what you think I should try out next feel free to get creative and let me know. Until next time, thanks again for dropping by and...

Or the Week After...


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