There & Back Again 3

~ Facial Recognition ~

I didn't realize how many masks I had generated over all this time. Whilst going through my old images I came across a few that might interest you. There are so many different variations with so many interesting combinations of color, symmetry, balance, detail, and composition that I couldn't resist sharing some.

Masks aren't really my thing but I could get into them if they always look this cool! I'm not saying there aren't cool masks. I used to really love the Halloween horror masks growing up. But the Venetian Masquerade masks or Carnival and Mardi Gras type masks aren't my thing. Although, after doing some research for some prompts I may have begun to change my mind a little.

I started to see the craftsmanship and artistry that went into making these masks back in history. The amount of care and detail that went into making these different kinds of masks was a beautiful thing to see. Some of the designs were unimaginably fantastic.

I don't think AI will ever be able to make those kinds of masks. Not without the help of 3D printing and other hardware. So, for now, appreciating the capability of human craftsmanship has inspired some of the art that you are looking at in these artificially created images.

I mean... they weren't artificially created or else you wouldn't be able to see them. But they were created with the magnificent capability of Artificial Intelligence. None of the AI art is as good as the art that inspired it, which humans created. However, I don't know that any human would have the creativity to render as many possible variations of potential creative combinations as the AI.

The ability to make drastic and subtle changes with such a wide range and scope of different settings at just a click or text prompt alteration makes this new way of creating a complete revolution in the arts. This new and constantly evolving medium of art generation is here to stay for better and worse.


I have discovered more traditional classic artists since learning to prompt AI than I did in all my additional years in art classes. I took art very far in school and learned all the usual suspects. But I delved deeper to prompt AI more accurately and it's paid off as far as finding new art inspirations is concerned.

I have benefitted from the generative arts in more ways than one and it's inspired and motivated me in my arts. Just the creativity to make new prompts and study to refine them is an art in itself, as I have said many times. But, the creativity that spawns from seeing some ideas come to fruition and the utter failure for others to manifest is hard to describe. When I merge my art with what I generate from the AI then my art journey will come full circle of sorts.

I look forward to trying to upstage some of my AI art generations when I get my graphic tablet and start to do digital art directly. It will be an uphill battle but I believe I am up for the challenge. Hell, the better generations I have until I get the tablet... the more I will have raised the bar for myself to overcome. IF that is not artistic synergy... then I don't know what is!


Thanks for stopping by! I really do appreciate your time and attention. I will be giving a little extra curation to more meaningful comments. I will also be giving even more curation for those that engage within this comment section with each other.

I would love to know which images are your favorites and why! It would also be super cool to hear any suggestions or ideas you have for me to try out later. I would give even more curation for anyone that shares something of their own from Ausbit's bot in the comments!!!

Until next time, y'all take care, and thanks again for dropping by!


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