The Art of Life

~ Artificial Upgrades ~

There is an art to balancing life. I don't claim to be an expert in life or balancing it out.

In fact, i find it quite difficult to balance dad life with a new baby and Hive curation... let alone publishing content for my own benefit.

First world problems ulitmately. Overall HIVE helps me pay for baby formula and diapers without having to give up my skin in the game.

I would call that a blessing but it's not for nothing. There is quite a bit of time and attention that goes into curating and organizing a community, from a moderation and curation point of view.

I don't get much time for anything personal anymore but i did want to show the upgrades of the AI art from where it was before to where it is now. I reran many of the prompts from earlier in the last 2 years-ish.

Feel free to join the fun. I wanted to share with everyone the opportunity to do this yourself for free! Come join Ausbit's Discord and illustrate your imagination via text prompts using the bot with a zillion settings for free by clicking this invitation link.

I highly recommend coming and giving it a try! You can tag me on discord @castleberry#6859 and i will help you out the best i can. Or, if i see you there, i might just tweak your prompts with you and save you some credits while helping you refine your concepts.



I did a run of generated art in regard to masks. I felt like sometimes the request to do a mask added an extra layer of intrigue.

Though, at some point, adding a mask to the final outcome just made the details around the subject stand out.


Running the old image prompts and comparing the outcomes was fun. The bot and HD options have improved since earlier before.

I tried to show a range of images that were essentially new compared to the olden days when i originally prompted the bot to come up with some outputs.

I also tried to mix things up so it wasn't the ladies depicted.


Believe it or not, there is a lot of imagery potential that generating images only ever scratches the surface of making.

Contours and Content

There are a few ideas and people that i imagine together in an image sense. I try to generate these outcomes based on interesting combos to be put into the prompts.

Sometimes it's mythology based.

Sometimes it's from a fine art's perspective.

In the end, it can be how the suggestions finalize into some depicted form of art.

Refining those depictions via prompt is an artform in and of itself!

I won't show all the reasons and give examples why... but for those that know and have the eyes to see.... it becomes more and more obvious.

Shine Shine

In the end, it can be amazing how the suggestions finalize into some depicted form of art.



Light of Enlightenment

It has been really interesting to see how many outcomes can be generated form text. It has been also very interesting to see how very specifically instructed scenarios could be used to prompt the outcomes as well.

Detailing the artist or style/motiff has been an interesting part of how to prompt at all. Making the combo just right is particularly satisfying.

Once subtle variation from the last or to the next paves a future of digital interaction that only gets more cohesive as time and effort moves forward... then the experimentations take on a whole new life.


It never gets old to see how the AI adjusts to the inquiries of old and artificially updates them to match the now.

I mean Now


I do run prompts a zillion times to see if and when each output is the best output for what i originally had in mind to be as the outcome. Running these prompts over and over to only appreciate the smallest and most subtle difference is what makes it all worthwhile for me.


There are a million options how things could turn out... but guiding and influencing the navigation of those outcomes is quite the adventure.


I noticed the variations from one run to the next were very consistent as well as accurate with the newest updated bots and models. The overall idea and structure remained the same as the subtle differences of the details of each prompt changed.


Eventually, i found outcomes and prompts that i liked and mixed and merged those into something even more successful than i could have ever imagined.


The miniscule differences were enough to make a bold variation of the options but were also small enough to not alter the overall constructs or designs of the prompts.


This lent itself to seeing many runs of prompts that were only slightly different but successful enough from the onset to only be modified in the slightest each run!


I do always enjoy some throwbacks. The old timey art is some of the best. Trying to recreate the old art with new tech ends up to be a very fun process.


It is very interesting to see new things and themes redesigned or reimagined and applied for us now, artistically.


The small change from one representation to another can make all the artistic difference in the world.


At The End

At the end of the day, i may not get much time to myself or to do all the duties i have on HIVE... however, I will always have time to run a few word prompts into the AI bot to see what we get as an output.

Each time keeps getting better and better!

And with this, i will leave you all for now.

But, do come and join the discord and experiment with the AI bot.

Of course, there is more to explore and other ventures that i am interested in discovering.

I think you will love discovering all the possibilities with me! The art and option has come so far.

I am thinking about getting an art tablet. If you have any recommendations, i will gladly reward your comments giving me any tipps and thanks in advance.


I will try to share my artistic explorations along the way as best i can.

Feel free to join me. Until next time, .... Take CARE!

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