AI Art Inspiration

~ Generative Germination ~

Some ideas ruminate for a while. I would call it a germination process. I have had some ideas yet to be fully explored... while others i have done enough runs to fill up 20 posts or more. It's funny the things we learn along the way to find a better prompt or more precise words to bring about a more desirable end result.

For instance, i have found many cool artists that i would have probably never found out without doing a little bit of research to find influences for my prompts. One in particular who always makes a colorful difference is Josephine Wall. You can check out her gallery at that blue link. Here are some examples of how just putting her name in the prompt amplifies the quality and value!

Prompt: magic mushroom forest, backlit, fantasy art

Now, i just added 'Josephine Wall style' to the prompt, in front of fantasy art.

Prompt: a magic mushroom forest, backlit, Josephine Wall style

It makes an even cooler difference when i put 'Josephine Wall style fantasy art of magic mushroom forest, backlit'... essentially rearranging how important the words are in chronological order within the prompt.

Prompt: Fantasy art of magic mushroom forest, backlit

Prompt: Josephine Wall style fantasy art of magic mushroom forest, backlit

~ Come Have Some Fun! ~

Before i really get going, i wanted to share with everyone the opportunity to do this yourself for free!

Come join Ausbit's Discord and illustrate your imagination via text prompts using the bot with a zillion settings for free by clicking this invitation link. I highly recommend coming and giving it a try! You can tag me on discord @ castleberry#6859 and i will help you out the best i can. Or, if i see you there, i might just tweak your prompts with you and save you some credits while helping you refine your concepts.

~ Other Inspirations ~

One of my other favorite inspirations growing up was an artist named Brian Froud. He was a concept artist for the movies The Dark Crystal and Labyrinth. Both movies have some amazing characters and art designs that make them cult classics and brought to life by Jim Henson and his amazing special effects!

I have noticed that the amount of detail and style added into the generations of art just by adding 'Brian Froud' to the prompt is pretty incredible. I will create a few examples to show you the value he adds to the process and final outcomes!

Prompt: Organic Heart highly ornate metallic platinum sheen (onyx black and lapis lazuli), backlit, award winning portrait, detailed background <80sDarkFantasySD15b> [names, signatures, letters, words, titles]

Prompt: Organic Heart highly ornate (brian froud style) metallic platinum sheen (onyx black and lapis lazuli), backlit, award winning portrait, detailed background <80sDarkFantasySD15b>

They both turned out well and look good in my opinion. However, the Brian Froud prompt was a bit more detailed in an organized manner. I love the accents and different design aspects that just using his name adds to many images.


Dolphin encrusted with precious jewels (metallic gold foil sheen), backlit, award winning portrait, detailed background <80sDarkFantasySD15b> withLora(add_detail,0.8) [words, letters, characters, letters, signatures]

Dolphin encrusted (brian froud) with precious jewels (metallic gold foil sheen), backlit, award winning portrait, detailed background <80sDarkFantasySD15b> withLora(add_detail,0.8) [words, letters, characters, letters, signatures]

As you can see, there is a vast difference in portraiture. Neither of the images above had a dolphin in them, even though the prompt was weighted to have a dolphin in there!

Let's try something generic and different.

Prompt: human brain anatomy, brain image, uhd, 16k, award winning photograph, backlit, macro photography, highly detailed, organic diagram, fantasy art, cyberpunk, biomechanical brain, backlit, extremely detailed brian froud style ornate background

Prompt: human brain (brian froud style) anatomy, brain image, uhd, 16k, award winning photograph, backlit, macro photography, highly detailed, organic diagram, fantasy art, cyberpunk, biomechanical brain, backlit, extremely detailed brian froud style ornate background


Tango and Cash

I think all the generated images that i have shared here are cool looking, but Brian Froud always adds a bit of something extra to the mix.

~ Objects of Affection ~

Here is the difference between a generic prompt of a generic skull and a generic prompt of a generic Brain Froud skull!

Prompt: metallic sheen skull

Prompt: metallic sheen skull brian froud style

Prompt: mechanical heart, metallic sheen, ornate background, backlit

Prompt: organic anatomical heart, ornate background, backlit

Prompt: mechanical heart (brian froud style) , metallic sheen, ornate background, backlit

Prompt: organic anatomical heart (brian froud style), ornate background, backlit


I didn't spend too much time refining these images or tweaking the prompts for better results. I mostly was just rounding up some examples of the inspirations and the difference they make when using fairly generic prompts. If i can get this good of results in a fast generic way... just image what the possibilities could bring if i dug in and spent some time on their perfection!

Love the Results

~ Objects of Effection ~

Now, i just wanted to share some cool semi random stuff. I had a plan when i went into making this post... and somewhere along the way i got lost in the sauce. Enjoy the spectacle!









~ Fun Run Finale ~

And to finish things off... i did a run just for fun. As it turns out... it almost looks like it's telling a story. Though, there are some subtle and not so subtle changes from one to the next... i thought they all turned out cool in their own ways. I left out a whole bunch of cool ones too, but i chose to share the best ones with you.







MindBlown Even More


I will be giving extra curation to more meaningful comments, and will also be giving even more curation for those that engage with each other within this comment section.

I would love to know which images are your favorites and why! It would also be super cool to hear any suggestions or ideas you have for me to try out later. I will be giving even more curation for anyone that shares something of their own from Ausbit's bot in the comments!!!

Until next time, y'all take care, and thanks again for dropping by!


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