I Feel It All ~ New NFT Digital Art Creation


New NFT Art Created ..

I Created A New Digital Art Piece Called 'I Feel It All'

Every so often I get bored of creating the hands on, tangible oil or watercolor paintings and feel the hankering to dabble on the digital side of things. Well, this was the case recently. I was sitting on the couch after work and not really paying attention to anything in particular, that was on the TV. So I started playing around and came up with this unique piece.

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While the over all background of the piece is somewhat muted and dark, the portrait of this being is quite the opposite in my opinion. I feel as though the color use and block like features compliment the emotion I wanted to pass on to the viewer.

Maybe you see happiness in the piece, or maybe sadness, anger, love, peace, and so on and so on. I for one see it all! I am hoping you do as well.

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'I Feel It All' is a portrait representation of a person who can feel all of the worlds fears, joys, uncertainties, expectations, pleasures, etc. within society.

They not only feel everything all at once, but also express these feelings through gentle tears streaming down both sides of their face. Their temperature is heated pink and red by these emotionally overwhelming feelings and then gently cooled by the production of light blue tears.

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The art is a digital alteration that is similar to a painting I made in 2020 called 'Amplified Joy'. This piece is a more symmetrical version of that closed eyed, crying figure. This interpretation could also be viewed as alien like. The colors are also more vibrant and a bit brighter than 'Amplified Joy'. When I view this piece, it's like 'I Feel It All'.

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The Piece Is Now Available In The NFT Showroom Market

If you are interested in this work, simply click on the NFT Showroom link at the bottom of this post, or click on the photo snip just below this statement.


1st Edition asking price - 50 SWAP.HIVE
2nd Edition asking price - 40 SWAP.HIVE
3rd Edition asking price - 30 SWAP.HIVE

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Thank you for swinging by my blog and checking out the post. Have a great day!


All words, pictures and art pieces are the sole property of B D Miller Gallery, unless otherwise noted and credited, and are not to be reproduced or copied without the prior written consent of B D Miller Gallery.


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My NFT Art Pieces Can Be Found on NFT Showroom


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