Subject study because I had time

Hello helloooo~ So today is friday for me and of all the days of this week, today was the most chill. Not because we ran out of samples (I wish), but simply because the sample preparation team wasn't done with the next batches of samples we had on our list. And so, I had a few hours to work on a subject study because I think I might lose my drawing skills if I take a long break from drawing.
I think my hands are still pretty good though because I finished this piece right here:

materials used: black pen, white gel ink, white chalk
duration: 3.5 hours

I actually started oon this yesterday morning because my lab partner asked if we could change shifts for a day since her baby needed her regular check ups, and I agreed to it but I still went to work at my usual time, I just hung out back for a while until the 8am shift started (my shift is 6am-3pm btw). for like a good solid hour, I really got to enjoy my peace because I was hiding with the cats and usually my shift is the most hectic because I have to start everything. I have to make all the solutions to be used and I have to open up and set up all the equipment, but that 8am shift?? sooo chill!
SO yesterday morning, I managed to start here:

It's actualy still a struggle for me to get proportions right on a free ahnd basis because I go straight to pen. And sometimes, my shading skills aren't enough to rectify the spaces that still need to be filled.
For this drawing session though, I couldn't take a lot of progression shots because I really wanted to pour all my attention into this because who knows when I'll get to draw again.
Anyways, before my shift started, this was how my sketch had progressed

It was already starting to take shape at a 1.5 hour mark and I was pretty happy I haven't lost my touch. I had planned to work on this later that night, but idk I just fell asleep after having dinner.

It took me 2 hours to finish this today because I was trying to look into the details a lot more. Unfortunately, my shift ended before the samples I've been waiting for ever came. And I do think I'll be sleeping now since I still feel the carried over tiredness frome this week

So this is me, heading off to sleep soon. good night folks!

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