Sketchtember day 11: Germs

Okay I like what I did this time OwO and I finished pretty fast because I used alcohol markers this time as a base for my colors and shading. Honestly saved me a lot of time so maybe I'll do this approach on other days too cuz I forget how much I enjoy markers.
Moving on, today's phobia is called mysophobia or germophobia both terms are of acceptable use but I think mysophobia is the more medically accurate? This is an irrational fear of germs that may also cause a person to develop Obsessive Compulsive disorders (OCD) due to repetitive sanitizing, hand washing, cleansing. Just things that makes you feel compelled to do repeatedly to appease and reassure your mind. I admit to having this with sanitizing XD so IDK if I'm at that point yet, but I do like to keep myself clean.
I was thinking for this concept was that I wanted to draw a clean suit but then I remembered hazard suits used when handling biohazard and I think someone with extreme mysophobia may actually walk around in a suit if their trauma wa that bad. So far I've never seen that happen yet, but who's to say it's not impossible.

Materials: Alcohol markers, rainbow pens, chalk, white pens.
Duration: 1.5 hours

So I wasn't kidding when I said the alcohol markers hastened my process ^^ I did enjoy not having my hands hurt as much on this one as it did with the other 2 drawings recently XD

See ^^ the markers make me happy because I already defined my shapes in just 5 minutes and added a bit of shading XD I could barely see my green pen sketch outlines though, but I just had to go a darker green while working up my pen layers.

So this was about 30 minutes in because I do work a bit slower with pens since you have a finer tip. But I did go with a good olive green pen for this one and I made sure to use green because I wanted to highlight gross green germs XD

Then at some point, I forgot to take progress shots but I had already finished my green layer, I added a layer of neon yellow to make the colors blend a little with the black so that the blending looks subtle then all that was left would be the highlights ^^
That which I finished in like 15 minutes

And I am so proud of how this one came out! Like it has that mask shine and he looks creepy ^^ Just my type.

And that is all for today! I am extremely happy with this one and I think I'll count this in one of my favorites for this batch ^^
As always! Thank you for stopping by! I really appreciate the support!
This is day 11 and I am done~~ Later on, I'll be working on day 12 which is plant and I don't really know how to work it. I was thinking of doing a hanahaki concept but I don't think I have the time.

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1 column