Random prompt day 2 - Acrophobia

So here goes another day of quick sketching XD and I think I set a new record of just 30 minutes for this one because this was done in just 30 minutes while I was waiting for my meeting to begin. Gahd I have so many meetings this week.
Anyway, day 2 is Acrophobia which is a fear of heights. I know a lot of people will get this fear because then it would trigger a fear of dying from falling from such height and this ne, I think is a very normal and very healthy phobia because it does concern your safety in so many ways.
I really needed more time to finish this one because I'm not all that satisfied with it, but with all the deadlines I have on my plate, I'm just happy I have time to draw today.

Software: Medibang paint
Duration: 30 minutes

I know, It's clearly not my best work and I am positive that I could do better and add more definitions to it, but the struggle to find time is so real. I do plan to really focus on drawing when all this is over, but until then, I apologize for all these half-assed quick draws.

For my progression shots, there's really not much to it because there's not much shots you can make in just 30 minutes.

So I started with the background. I wanted to make it look like the sky was opening up and higuy was falling out of grace XD
For this one, I used a fluffy watercolor brush because it had blotches on it and it really suited painting clouds with. I enjoyed that brush quite a lot, actually XD

Then I added my falling human and for this one, I used an airbrush because I wasn't sure about using other brushes to have a bit of that opacity as the airbrush one has.

Then all of that lead to this. And I'm not proud of how this came out, but I really just wanted to do the prompts a little more consistently even though I have never done any prompts with digital art before XD
But this 31 days of phobia is a good start and it's a good way for me to widen my range on digital art at least.

Well, that's all from me for today, my break is almost over and I honestly hope I can survive the rest of my day. Thanks for stopping by guys! I'll see you again soon on the next drawings!

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