Cocatrice Fanart

Having busy weeks is fine because it's routine of my all the weeks of the year but this week unexpectedly i got alot of free time to do other things.

Maybe now i have learned to manage time or i just had a few things in my list to complet. This week i spent my time doing some extra things like, i went out with friends, i made diy for my sister, i cooked for my family and lot more... that i usually skips because of hectic routine.

I never thought to have a life of relaxation or far from the noises because i always felt that the reason of being on earth is to be with the other people on earth, we are born to help them, to accompany each other... but recently i felt a great need of relief, relaxation and my personal time.

Girls do say boys are pretty hard and they don't care about the things going around them but truth is totally different from it.

Well, as ot is Friday so i have decided to make splinterlands character, after little scrolling i found Cocatrice and i loved it colors so i have decided to make this one...

So let's start with drawing...,

I have started making the character by making the outlining of the character. Where i have divided body into three parts.

In middle part i have finished more than half of characters body, which is the msot difficult part to complete.

In last part of outlining i have just made the tail of the character that's why this part was the easiest part for me.

Here's the final outlining..

Next i have started coloring the character. First i have used dark green and light green color for filling them in the wings and tail of the character.

Later i have shaded the legs, and head area of the character where i have used shades of green for legs and red and black for the head area.

For completing colors in face i have added orange in peak, purple in tongue, and pink in mouth. Also i have filled some shade of brown.

Lastly i have completed the brown color in the areas left. And also added light green in the lower body of Cocatrice.

Here's the final results of Cocatrice

Hope you like this drawing, provide your feedbacks about this drawing below in comment section.
Stay blessed stay tuned
Allah hafiz 💖

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