Alien-Human Hybrid Sculpting Process

Hello everyone!! I hope you all are Fine. Today I wanna share an old sculpture that I worked upon some more. My motive was to make it more realistic.

My Hybrid Sculpture from 2 years ago was my starting point. I posted a breakdown but here is it, if you haven't seen it already:

Blurring the old forms:

So, I started with blurring out the old forms to make them less apparent. I used Smooth Brush to smooth out the features to a degree that I don't lose the forms completely.


If you compare it with original you will notice that I did a little bit of sculpting too. I changed the shape of the face a bit and modified the lips too.

Modifying the facial features

So, I started working on it and after a lot of adding, removing and changing the forms, I got something that started to look a bit realistic.


But I wasn't satisfied with how shes looking. I wanted a strong heroic face for my character.

Correcting the Anatomy

After some more sculpting and moving things around, I ended up with a face that I was super happy with. Again not so heroic but anatomy was fixed and it looked more feminine.


Another major change was that her eyes were now opened.

Tweaking the Lips

At this point I was pretty satisfied with the facial features but lips could use some more attention so I focused on the lips and after tweaking a bit I got this:

More improved version (Final)


Looks better than previous two. What do you think?

Poly painting test:

After (almost) getting done with sculpting, I was so tempted to give her some color so I did some poly painting. Looks decent, more heroic and more realistic than before. I was quite happy with the face.


More detailed view with different material:



In the end I did some fun sculpting and tried to do some expressions (Extreme smile and Slight smile) Nothing special but here they are anyway.


I liked working on this sculpture so much. Every Sculpture I create makes me a little better every time and with this one was really a good exercise.

Thanks for the read and the upvotes, my friends!! Please do share your opinions about this sculpture in the comment section. Will See you soon. Have a good one, guys!!:))

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