Looking for new community moderators, helpers, curators and judges and more!


ALIEN ART HIVE has now reached 5,348 subscribers ❤️ with tons of new amazing art being shared everyday! The goal has always been to decentralize as much as possible. We are now looking for additional moderators and a number of other positions so our members can have more control in shaping this space.

If you are interested in volunteering here are some potential roles that could use some help:

Community Moderator

As a community moderator you would be welcoming first time posters to the community by leaving comments, looking for spam or irrelevant posts and muting them, and rarely muting accounts that post plagiarized art.


We already have the incredible @castleberry working with OCD for the curations but we also have the curated content page on Peakd which is where people land when they choose to browse this community. Those posts get moved to the curated page after being voted by this account. There is very little stake behind these votes but a big responsibility to showcase great art in this community!

Community contest group

It would be fantastic to have a few members to manage our newest community contest, both to act as judges (or invite new judges) and to propose new themes and topics to challenge our artists


Twitter / X now has the ability to delegate posting authority to any account. Any number of people could have access to the official account to share beautiful art that gets posted here, community curations etc. If you are a twitter fanatic get in touch!

If any of these positions interest you shoot a message to @juliakponsford on the PeakD/sting chat. If you are using another frontend you can access the chat here: https://chat.peakd.com/ We would prefer to only add members of this community that have been posting here for some time :D

That's about it for now, keep being creative

Follow on twitter for community updates and art shares: https://twitter.com/AlienArtHive

If you want to join us and don't have a HIVE account get one here: https://hiveonboard.com/


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