Alien Art Hive / Community updates and rules


It's been a while, time for some UPDATES!

The community rules haven't changed but we always like to remind you that if there is a more appropriate community for your art we suggest you post there. Currently we do not mute or ban any accounts from the community unless they are completely posting irrelevant content, plagiarism or someone else's art, keep it original!

What is Alien Art Hive about?

Alien Art Hive was created to be a fun, low pressure community for artists/musicians to share their crazy creations and possibly collaborate!

You can subscribe and view the current posts here: trending/hive-158694

Accepted content
Content doesn't need to be directly about ALIENS, this community is a place for people to post art and music that is other-worldy, inter-dimensional, unusual or strangely beautiful! We are accepting of many different types of art but if you do not loosely fit into one of the categories below we will kindly direct you to more appropriate art communities!

Genres that fit:
alien stuff (of course)
cryptoart / NFT
psychedelic style art
visionary art
spiritual or occult/esoteric
space themed
outsider art
strange and bizarre themes or styles

Music, writing and poetry are also welcome if they fall into these categories.

Feel free to post any creative medium or style you can dream of. The only firm criteria that will be enforced is that the content must be original art made by you. I am a strong supporter of artistic freedom and I see nothing wrong with taking inspiration from other artists or remixing to create something entirely new. If however the art is not made from scratch it's good etiquette to cite your sources so people can understand exactly what they are curating.

OCD Communities Incubation Program

Alien Art Hive has been part of the OCD community incubation program since May 2020! This has really helped our little community grow and reward tons of amazing artists! At the time of this post we have 2,776 subscribers!

I am sure you have already noticed, @castleberry is our curator and has been doing an amazing job! He now makes 2 curation posts a week as there is so much amazing art. Castleberry loves to hear about the background, inspiration and process behind your alien art so if you want to be curated keep that in mind :)

NFT Showroom and Alien Art Hive!

As most of you may know, we launched our own NFT Art platform here on Hive called NFT Showroom! I would love for this community to be a hub for NFT related activities so as you may have noticed I added NFT / cryptoart / metaverse to the accepted content!

If you haven't visited the site yet check it out here:

Follow the account and check the pinned post for more info: @nftshowroom


The twitter account has been stagnant for some time but I am attempting to revitalize it by tweeting out the curation posts and fun content throughout the week! Please follow and help give us some engagement by liking/commenting and retweeting:

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That's about it for now, keep being creative

If you want to join us and don't have a HIVE account get one here:


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