We are all connected

we are like the ocean

What do I mean with that? We are all connected, this is what I mean. Like the water drops in the ocean are connected to each other but still they could be single drops and at the same time a single drop has the whole ocean in itself. Hahaha, know what I mean? Hope so. Sometimes it's hard to write down the pictures I have in my mind, this is why I love art! Art can show much more than words be able to say, in my point of view.

This artwork I created in the night as you can see maybe. I had to use the flash to get a better Pic of it.

Today in the morning I worked digital on it but I forgot to save the single digital steps cause I was so in my artwork, I lost even the time.
Please forgive me that.

the drawing in my sketchbook

trinityart connection 1.jpg

trinityart connection 2.jpg

trinityart connection 3.jpg

trinityart connection 4.jpg

trinityart connection 5.jpg

trinityart connection 6.jpg


trinityart connection 7.jpg

trinityart connection 8.jpg

trinityart connection 9.jpg

trinityart connection 10.jpg

trinityart connection ready artwork.jpg

Finished Artwork

trinityart connection ready Design color.jpg

trinityart connection animation.gif

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Your @akida aka TrinityArt

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TrinityArt nftshowroom banner.jpg

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