Book of dead - Chaugnar Faugn, the vampire elephant (random page #7)

Heyho guys, Alienart Crew, Art Lovers, Artists, Comic fans, mythology enthusiasts and all who have stopped by.

Today I present you my interpretation of Chaugnar Faugn. What is clearly recognized, this being looks like ganesha, the yoga elephant, which represents the totalo opposite of this Lovecraft creature.

What I recognize is, that Lovecrafts creatures, no matter which you take, are close to historical creatures of different cultures. I have read a looot of books in my life, a looot of ancient books, some freaky mythology books and tooo much comics, lol. Ok,from the ancient books I didn't read the originals, only the translations (I am not able to understand original latin, Sanskrit or Arabic) but in a lot of old legends and books they write about other beings. The only difference to Lovecraft is:
His figures are dark. Its seems that he doesn't like good creatures... Hahaha. So this one today, the vampire elephant, looks really like Ganesha. Ganesha the nice elephant god is normally kind and helpful and wise. Lovecrafts Chaugnar Faugn not... Wanna know a bit more about this being? Ok...

Chaugnar Faugn

This creature is called "Chaugnar Faugn" but his other names are "The Horror from the Hills" , "The Feeder" , "Caug-Narfagn", and even "The Elephant God" (what is really confusing cause of ganesha!)

He is a "great old one" if I understood it well. His creator was mister Frank Belknap Long. Mister Belknap Long said this about his creature:

"Words could not adequately convey the repulsiveness of the thing. It was endowed with a trunk and great, uneven ears, and two enormous tusks protruded from the corners of its mouth. But it was not an elephant. Indeed, its resemblace to an actual elephant was, at best, sporadic and superficial, despite certain unmistakable points of similarity. The ears were webbed and tentacled, the trunk terminated in a huge flaring disk at least a foot in diameter, and the tusks, which intertwined and interlocked at the base of the statue, were as translucent as rock crystal."

If you look in the internet for Chaugnar Faugn a lot of pics don't have the web ears or tentacles. Most artworks are really looking like a normal elephant or better like the hindu god Ganesha.

But let me explain the difference, because there are some, Chaugnar Faugnis, known as the horror from the hills, is a vampiric elephant-like humanoid with a leech-like mouth on the end of his trunk. So not a normal trunk like ganesha has, nonono, and he use this leech-trunk to drain every drop of blood out from his victims, that's why his nickname is also "The Feeder". When he is hungry, Chaugnar moves really fast for his size. Its a bit scary to imaging that he has a vampiric trunk. Maybe he put this on the head of the victims like in the movie "Aliens" was shown.. Aaaaw, what a horror.
What else is written about him? He is a master of (black) magic. Also he can travel between the worlds and intergalactic but he rarely does it. He already saw the birth and death of other planets. He is even older than our planet earth. Its said that he has a brother and both were living between Spain and France. Now they are in Asia. Most time he looks like a stone monument and only wakes up when really hungry or someone is against him. Do I forgot something? If so feel free to tell me what you know about this creature.

Let's check the progress...

long story short

trinityart dark fantasy Chaugnar Faugn long story short.gif

step by step

trinityart dark fantasy Chaugnar Faugn 1.jpg

trinityart dark fantasy Chaugnar Faugn 2.jpg

trinityart dark fantasy Chaugnar Faugn 3.jpg

trinityart dark fantasy Chaugnar Faugn 4.jpg

trinityart dark fantasy Chaugnar Faugn 5.jpg

trinityart dark fantasy Chaugnar Faugn 6.jpg

trinityart dark fantasy Chaugnar Faugn 7.jpg

trinityart dark fantasy Chaugnar Faugn 8.jpg

Finished creation

trinityart dark fantasy Chaugnar Faugn finished.jpg

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Have a wonderful morning, afternoon, evening or night and thanks for stopping by.
See and read you soooon.

Your @akida aka TrinityArt

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