Let's Take A Look At Stars Align


Evening folks

Today we are going to be checking out the anime Stars Align or Hoshiai No Sora.

It starts with the boys tennis club and just how terrible they are at tennis. Due to their complete and utter lack of skills and their constant lack of good results in their matches, they are staring down both barrels of being disbanded as a tennis club.
Up steps Touma Shinjou, in desperation to keep the club alive and kicking, Touma goes on the hunt to recruit capable players to help bring the club into winning ways and stop them being disbanded!

In comes Maki Katsuragi, a new transfer student to the school and joins Touma's class. After catching a stray cat hurtling through the classroom with a show of amazing reflexes, which catches the interest of Touma. This is all done while Maki is reading a book and in a world of his own.

With Touma's interest now piqued with the potential for a new recruit, he goes on the offensive and tries to recruit Maki to join the boys tennis team. Of course he is quickly turned down by Maki, as he has no interest in joining any clubs.
Much to Touma's disappointment at being rejected, he presses on with his recruitment of Maki. This does pay off though, but comes with some conditions. That condition is that Touma pays him to take part!

Year of release: 2019
Aired: October 2019 to December 2019
Number of seasons: 1
Number of episodes: 12
Studio: 8bit
Genre: Sports, Drama
Episode run time: 24 minutes per episode
Age rating: PG-13
My rating: -11/10


With Maki joining the team, his amazing skills and quick learning ability makes his fellow club players see just how bad they are. This leads to friction and conflict within the club for his fellow members. This pushes his teammates to up their game and discover their own natural talents, which results in a new drive for his fellow members and helps them to progress.


So here is the part where I be honest with you all, after watching 16 minutes of the first episode I was completely bored to pieces. Like I was so bored that I have actually had to watch the first episode 3 times just to get a slight bit of understanding of the actual series.
But Dayummmmm it is so damn boring and glum that I just couldn't get into it and so far it is on the pile of ' I doubt I'll ever go back to this shite '. Such a glamours pile of anime that I have on that pile that really suck bad.

Would I recommend this series? At this moment, no I wouldn't as I only got a few episodes in and really disliked the hell out of it!


Now onto the musical side of this series, the opening track Suisou by Megumi Nakajima is really good. Like really good, a very enjoyable and upbeat song. The track is really great and led me to believe that this was gonna be an amazing series.

The ending track Kago no Naka no Bokura wa by AIKI from bless4 is also a really good song. The tune is really good and again made me have hope for this series in general.

Images from MyAnimeList

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