Beyond the Surface (a made-up plot)

The green planet where the organisms called "humans" once lived no longer exists. It has become something else entirely. Though remnants of the previous world still exists, they're now all located underwater.


Thousands of years ago, all land forms on earth submerged in water. Some people somehow survived in floating dwellings, but it wasn't enough. Somehow, the way they live their lives needed to change, so they forced themselves to adapt even more to the new environment.

In order to survive, they learned to thrive by going underwater... and as if maximizing their adaptability through sheer effort, the newer generation somehow developed skills beond their expectations.

Passing through generations after generations, the era of underwater people finally came to existence.


They created underwater houses which later turned into villages and even into cities. Interestingly, this new breed of humans has lost their ability to breathe above water... except for one.


A boy named Shin, for some reasons, still has the ability to breathe above the surface of the water. Though it wouldn't mean much since their lives now completely exist in an underwater world and there's just nothingness above.

Due to being different, the boy sometimes faces criticisms. Because of this, he decided against surfacing. However, something odd happened one day.


The area where Shin lives suddenly turned dark as if a huge thing is blocking the sun. When villagers swam up to check, a massive thing was floating. It was an island!

Who else could the underwater people count on to unravel this mystery?

Shin's adventures beyond the surface is about to begin. Check out his journey in unraveling the mystery... would the darkness in their village end or would they need to adapt to the new world above once again?

This is my entry for Wild Plot Wednesday 16: New Character.

I created a post-apocalyptic fantasy series... I'm personally interested in these kinds of plots... I often ask questions about what would happen when the world ends and the like. It's scary, yet interesting to imagine especially if we could add fantasy into the mixture.

I hope you enjoyed this plot... as for the photos, I used images from the animated film Kaijuu no Kodomo and the series Nagi no Asukara. They're both awesome, by the way. You have to check them, too.

Thanks for reading and see you around! (^^,)/

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