Bleach: Sennen Kessen-hen. what did you think of the new season?[ESP-ENG]


Finally, it is with us the beginning of the saga of the bloody war of a thousand years, for those who follow the anime spent years.

Finalmente, está con nosotros el comienzo de la saga de la guerra sangrienta de mil años, para los que siguen el anime pasaron años.

The season starts with the king of the quincy was confined and recovered his pulse after 900 years, his mind after 90 years and his strength after 9 years, until he finally freed himself. The society of souls detects that many hollows disappeared and Mayuri realizes that it was the quincy, then 2 shinigamis are released on earth to eliminate the hollows, but these are separated and one is fearful and when he sees a hollow he starts to run but notices that his partner is hurt and they attack him and that is when the boys make their appearance, they introduce each one and we see our dear ichigo o my fucking god has a slight encounter and even uses his bankai.

La temporada tiene inicio con el rey de los quincy fue confinado recupero su pulso después de 900 años su mente después de 90 años y su fuerza después de 9 años, hasta que finalmente se liberó. La sociedad de almas detecta que desaparecieron muchos huecos y Mayuri se da cuenta de que fueron los quincy, entonces 2 shinigamis son liberados en la tierra para eliminar los huecos, pero estos se separan y uno es miedoso y cuando ve a un hueco empieza a corre pero nota que su compañero está herido y lo atacan a él y es ahí cuando los chicos hacen su aparición, presentan a cada uno y vemos a nuestro querido ichigo o my fucking god tienen un leve encuentro y hasta usa su bankai.


The story unfolds around that the quincy are the new enemies, they have captured some useful hollows and invade the society of souls killing sasakibe and ends up telling yamamoto that they have stolen the bankai¿¿¿¿????? kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk, in that they try to steal the bankai from ichigo which does not end up succeeding.

La historia se desenvuelve en torno a que los quincy son los nuevos enemigos, han capturado a algunos huecos de utilidad e invaden la sociedad de almas asesinando a sasakibe y termina diciéndole a yamamoto que le han robado el bankai¿¿¿¿????? kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk, en eso le intentan robar el bankai a ichigo lo cual no terminan teniendo éxito.

This season is a jewel, as it advances in the development of the plot without filler or mysteries straight to the point, as they execute each confrontation seems to me that it honors the jewel of anime that is, since much we grew up with it, the animation and the soundtrack were incredible.

Esta temporada es una joya, como avanza en el desarrollo de la trama sin relleno ni misterios directo al grano, como ejecutan cada enfrentamiento me parece que le hace honor a la joya de anime que es, ya que mucho crecimos con él, la animación y la banda sonora quedaron increíbles.

In this premise we have very good moments, the ones that caused the most euphoria to me.

En esta premisa tenemos momentos muy buenos, las que más me causaron euforia a mí

  • Rukia kuchiki vs as nodt:

this fight is initially evenly matched, but as the battle progresses we notice that rukia has a slight advantage over as nodt because her ability is fear and rukia can control her body temperature to -°C and it's as if she were dead although that technique is very dangerous, the battle goes in favor of the quincy, rukia's brother arrives showing his bankai as a consequence the quincy releases all his power and rukia is affected by the fear of the enemy, her brother gives her a few words and oh my god we are about to have one of the most beautiful scenes in all the anime, rukia releases her bankai leaving everything frozen in its path and we can appreciate the most beautiful bankai there is, her brother takes her by the hand and tells her that it will take time to learn how to use her bankai because of its degree of difficulty and disables it.

este combate se nota inicialmente igualado, pero mientras avanza la batalla notamos que rukia tiene una leve ventaja hacia as nodt debido a que su habilidad es el miedo y rukia puede controlar la temperatura de su cuerpo a -°C y es como si estuviera muerta aunque esa técnica es muy peligrosa, la batalla se pone a favor del quincy, llega el hermano de rukia mostrando su bankai como consecuencia el quincy libera todo su poder a rukia le afecta el miedo del enemigo, en lo que el hermano le da unas palabras y oh my god estamos a punto deber una de las escenas más hermosas en todo el anime, rukia libera su bankai dejando todo congelado a su paso y logramos apreciar el bankai más hermoso que hay, su hermano la toma de la mano y le dice que tomará tiempo aprender a usar su bankai por su grado de dificultad y desactiva.




  • gremmy vs capitan zaraki kenpachi:

After kenpachi killed captain unohana (although that was the captain's objective for kenpachi to release all his power), he makes his appearance saving the wounded, his companions, At that moment one of my favorite dialogues occurs

gremmy: i simply imaginet that my body was far stronger than steel, adn...
kenpachi: i would have just cut you as if i was cutting steel

simply incredible, the fight continues to develop kenpachi ends up cutting a meteorite until he defeats gemmy because he imagines him as a monster.

at the end of the fight ichigo appears in fucker mode, taking on several enemies at the same time and demonstrating the great increase in power he had just obtained from his epic training as well.

Luego de que kenpachi matara a la capitana unohana(aunque ese era el objetivo de la capitana para que kenpachi livere todo su poder), hace su aparición salvando a los heridos, sus compañeros, En eso ocurre uno de mis diálogos favoritos

gremmy: simplemente imagine que mi cuerpo era más duro que el metal, y...
kenpachi: me hubiera dicho así te hubiera cortado como si cortase metal

simplemente increíble, la pelea se sigue desarrollando kenpachi termina cortando un meteorito hasta llegar a derrotar a gemmy porque este lo imagina como un monstruo

al finalizar esa pelea aparece ichigo modo follador, enfretandose a varios enemigos a la vez y demostrando la gran subida de poder que acababa de obtener por su entrenamiento épico también.



Bueno, amigos a ustedes que les ha parecido esta temporada, creen que le falta algo?, a mi parecer me ha mantenido muy entretenido, sin duda es uno de mi top animes del año.

Well, friends, what do you think about this season, do you think it lacks something, in my opinion it has kept me very entertained, without a doubt it is one of my top anime of the year.

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