Wild Plot Wednesdays #15: A Leap To Romance


Konnichiwa minna-san~ So for today, I'm going to share a crossover romance between Inoue-sensei's works—SlamDunk and Buzzer Beater. Yesterday, I came across @tegoshei's fanfic, and reading it got my fangirl mind reeled up. I suddenly remembered a character that really resembles Ryota's visuals, and that somehow activated the need to ship him with someone close to Ryota (why not? hehehe 𓁹‿𓁹). So here's a brief fanfic plot about the romance between a former Goran and a woman from old Earth. Enjoy!



Transported back to the time when humans dominated basketball history, DT tried to contact Cha-che and Hideyoshi for help, but unfortunately he needed to wait for a whole week for them to come for aid. Bored, he challenged different basketball teams to play with him, but it seems no ordinary human can match his skills in being a point guard.



When the rumors about this new basketball ace spread, the Shohoku basketball team immediately tried to get more information about him. But like the person itself, information about him is also scarce. However, one afternoon after their practice game, they unexpectedly met him. DT being a ladies' man immediately spotted Ayako. He tried to ask her out, but Ryota blocked him. DT chuckled because he can't believe that a small guy like him can have that big ego, so he challenged him for a one-on-one game—and whoever wins gets to date Ayako for a day.



Unfortunately, Ryota was no match with DT's inhuman speed and basketball skills, so Ayako was forced to go on a date with him. Unlike her first impression with him, DT turns out to be a sweet man. Even after their date, they continue to meet each other, and during those times they find themselves slowly getting comfortable with each other's presence. After almost a week of spending time together, DT confessed to Ayako his true identity. He expected that she would ridicule him, but instead Ayako kissed his cheeks.



Shocked, he just stared at her, and that's when Hideyoshi and Cha-che suddenly came out of nowhere. Before leaving Ayako, he hugged her—and that's how DT met the first woman who accepted him for who he is. And surely he vowed to never forget that woman from the old Earth.

Kyahhhh that's my entry for the unexpected romance plot! DT really resembles Ryota—from his visuals, gestures, cool play, and superb point guard skills! (except for his height of 'course, I'm not saying Ryota's short—but DT was sure taller than him). DT's kinda the mature version of Ryota (he's basically the version of Ryota once Ayako dump him ahuhuhuhu). His sad romantic experience from his younger years made me yearn to at least give a fanfic plot where he would experience a romance that wouldn't judge him based on what race he came from or about his past, but rather for who he truly is. Awwwww that's all for now minna-san and to RyotaxAyako fans whom I potentially made upset by this fanfic, gome~

See you on my next blog! Tanoshinde-ne~

The picture that didn't have a source was edited in Canva.

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