I agree with the beliefs of Uchiha Madara The God Among Us



In the video I imitate Madara Uchiha, I hope you like my interpretation of this character with multiple thoughts that apply to our real life world, that's why his Jutsu is so MatriX because we all want peace, each person wants love but deep inside what they really want is war and hate.

We are a kind of battle that improves its abilities when we are at war, just look at Japan and how their culture has advanced despite everything that happened in the previous century and today marks all of us who love this niche of anime by marking origin and vanguard on this type of animation and how not to do it with characters like Madara.

Have you noticed that as we become more intelligent, as we begin to notice things, to realize the reality, sadness increases, insecurities increase, that's just what Madara raises and wants to solve it with a plan that I agree, his Jutsu that basically is a Matrix pleases me.

To get peace you need to fight for it, then it becomes war, it's a cruel paradox that seeking something good requires something bad as conflicts, just look at our real world.

The video is an extension of what I have just written, watch it to hear my interpretation of the God among us.... Uchiha Madara.

En el video imito a Madara Uchiha, espero les agrade mi interpretación sobre este personaje con múltiples pensamientos que aplican a nuestro mundo de la vida real, por eso su Jutsu es tan MatriX porque todos queremos paz, cada persona quiere amor pero en el fondo del ser en realidad lo que quieren es guerra y odio.

Somos una especie de batalla que mejora sus habilidades cuando estamos en guerra, solo miren a Japon y como su cultura ha avanzado a pesar de todo lo que paso en el siglo anterior y hoy marca a todos los que amamos este nicho de anime al marcar origen y vanguardia sobre este tipo de animación y como no hacerlo con personajes como Madara.

Han notado que a medida que somos mas inteligentes, que empezamos a notar las cosas, a darnos cuenta de la realidad, la tristeza aumenta, se incrementan las inseguridades, eso es justo lo que plantea Madara y quiere resolverlo con un plan que estoy de acuerdo, su Jutsu que básicamente es una Matrix me agrada.

Para obtener paz necesitas luchar por ella, entonces se vuelve guerra, es una paradoja cruel que el buscar algo bueno requiera de algo malo como conflictos, solo miremos nuestro mundo real.

El video es una extensión de lo que acabo de escribir, vean para que escuchen mi interpretación del Dios entre nosotros... Uchiha Madara.

I dedicate each and every one of my posts and videos to my little dog named princess, we called her chiquito, she is no longer with us but from heaven she will see that her existence was valuable and the most beautiful thing that will exist in my heart and soul.



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