Kaiju No. 8: An Unexpectedly Fun Story (Eng-Spa)

π™ΊπšŠπš’πš“πšž π™½πš˜. 𝟾


This post is in Spanish and English. You can go to the post in English by clicking HERE

Β  Feliz viernes a todos los que conforman esta increΓ­ble Comunidad de #TheAnimeRealm, el dΓ­a de hoy les quiero dar mi opiniΓ³n sobre un animΓ© que se ha vuelto muy popular y que no habΓ­a tenido la oportunidad de ver sino hasta hace poco. Les hablarΓ© sobre Kaiju NΒ° 8.

Β  Este animΓ© es una de las series mΓ‘s boom de este aΓ±o, ademΓ‘s de la tan esperada temporada de Kimetsu No Yaiba. Y la verdad es que a mi no me llamaba la atenciΓ³n como tal, pero luego de leer algunos post en este espacio describiendo tan buenas opiniones del mismo que me dije: Ivanna, vamos a darle una oportunidad, tal vez sea bueno.

Β  ΒΏBueno? es EXCELENTE! me puse al dΓ­a con Γ©l en una tarde de lo grandioso que es. La cosa es que atrapa desde el primer episodio, te deja con ganas de ver mΓ‘s y la puntuaciΓ³n que tiene en varias pΓ‘ginas de animΓ© pues te invitan a seguirla viendo.

Β  A mi me encantan las series en las que te llevas sorpresas con los personajes principales y no tienes idea de quΓ© pasarΓ‘ en cada capΓ­tulo. Kaiju NΒ° 8 de manera resumida, es este tipo de animΓ©, cargado de toques de humor, drama, momentos serios, peleas increΓ­bles y una trama bastante interesante.

Β  Admito que cada capΓ­tulo tuvo lo suyo, varios me robaron unas cuantas carcajadas en momentos inesperados y sobre todo por la personalidad tan sencilla del personaje principal, simplemente me ha robado el corazΓ³n Hibino, Kafka, quien es una persona comΓΊn y corriente que desea pelear al lado de su amada Ashiro, Mina a quien conoce desde niΓ±a.

Β  ΒΏPero contra quiΓ©n pelean? y ΒΏPor quΓ© pelean?. Bueno, en este universo existen unos mounstros gigantes llamados Kaiju, son como del tamaΓ±o de Godzilla y se aparecen una que otra vez para causar daΓ±o a la ciudad de JapΓ³n, por lo tanto existe un cuerpo especialista que se encarga de exterminarlos utilizando trajes especiales que aumentan en gran medida su fuerza humana.

Β  Este grupo es conocido como Cuerpo de Defensa y bueno ellos ponen en riesgo sus vidas para eliminar al mounstro inmenso, pero ΒΏquΓ© pasa luego de que muere dicho espΓ©cimen? Pues llega otro grupo de trabajo encargado de limpiar el desastre que han dejado los hΓ©roes de la ciudad. A ellos les llaman Barrenderos y pues aquΓ­ es donde trabaja nuestro protagonista.

Β  De pequeΓ±os tanto Kafka como Mina vivieron una experiencia que marcΓ³ sus vidas y ambos decidieron unirse al Cuerpo de Defensa para luchar contra estos Kaijus y en el camino competir entre ellos para ver quiΓ©n se volverΓ­a el mΓ‘s fuerte de todos. Lamentablemente Kafka no calificΓ³ en cierto punto para trabajar con ellos y tuvo que optar por trabajar limpiando los restos de cada Kaiju.

Β  Pero tranquilos que no todo pinta tan mal para nuestro protagonista. Esta es una historia de superaciΓ³n bastante especial, Kafka tiene algo diferente a otros personajes que he visto en diferentes animΓ©s y para mΓ­ es ΓΊnico tanto por su forma de ser como por su personalidad. Posee fortalezas que como mucho de nostros no logramos ver pero otros sΓ­.

Β  Y como toda buena serie, tambiΓ©n posee personajes secundarios con personalidades super fuertes que los hacen destacar si o si, a la vez que tambiΓ©n te roban el corazΓ³n con su forma de ser y en cada capΓ­tulo puedes observar cΓ³mo crece la amistad, aprecio y hermandad entre todos. Para mΓ­ es algo muy lindo de ver y me agradΓ³ bastante.

Β  Agradezco a todos los usuarios de HIVE que se encargaron de recomendar esta serie, al igual que ustedes quedΓ© encantada y tambiΓ©n la recomiendo al πŸ’―%. Aun estΓ‘ en emisiΓ³n el animΓ© y el manga. Por ahora sΓ³lo serΓ‘n 12 capΓ­tulos, espero que se vengan mΓ‘s temporadas pronto. De mi parte le doy:

Click AQUI para ver el trailer subtitulado al espaΓ±ol.

ΒΏπš€πšžπšŽ πš™πš’πšŽπš—πšœπšŠπšœ πšŠπšŒπšŽπš›πšŒπšŠ 𝚍𝚎 𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚘?
π™ΌπšŽ πšŽπš—πšŒπšŠπš—πšπšŠπš›Γ­πšŠ πš•πšŽπšŽπš›πšπšŽ!
π™·πšŠπšœπšπšŠ πš•πšŠ πš™πš›πš˜πš‘πš’πš–πšŠ!

Imagen de Portada DeepL
Imagen 1CANVA
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Imagen 4---
Imagen 5---
Contenido y Texto Original de mi AutorΓ­a---

π™Όπš’πšœ 𝚁𝚎𝚍𝚎𝚜 πš‚πš˜πšŒπš’πšŠπš•πšŽπšœ


Β  Happy Friday to everyone who makes up this amazing #TheAnimeRealm Community, today I want to give you my opinion about an anime that has become very popular and that I had not had the opportunity to see until recently. I will talk to you about Kaiju NΒ° 8.

Β  This anime is one of the most booming series of this year, besides the long-awaited season of Kimetsu No Yaiba. And the truth is that it didn't call my attention as such, but after reading some posts in this space describing such good opinions of it I said to myself: Ivanna, let's give it a chance, maybe it will be good.

Β  Good? it's EXCELLENT! I caught up with it in the afternoon because of how great it is. The thing is that it grabs you from the first episode, it leaves you wanting to see more and the rating it has in several anime pages invites you to keep watching it.

Β  I love series in which you get surprises with the main characters and you have no idea what will happen in each chapter. Kaiju NΒ° 8 in a nutshell, is this kind of anime, loaded with touches of humor, drama, serious moments, incredible fights, and a very interesting plot.

Β  I admit that each chapter had its own thing, several stole a few laughs from me at unexpected moments especially because of the very simple personality of the main character, he has simply stolen my heart Hibino, Kafka, who is an ordinary person who wants to fight alongside his beloved Ashiro, Mina whom he has known since he was a child.

Β  But who are they fighting and why are they fighting? Well, in this universe there are giant monsters called Kaiju, they are about the size of Godzilla and appear from time to time to cause damage to the city of Japan, therefore there is a specialist body that is responsible for exterminating them using special suits that greatly increase their human strength.

Β  This group is known as Defense Corps and well they put their lives at risk to eliminate the huge monster, but what happens after the specimen dies? Well, another task force arrives to clean up the mess left by the heroes of the city. They are called Sweepers and this is where our protagonist works.

Β  As children both Kafka and Mina lived an experience that marked their lives and both decided to join the Defense Corps to fight against these Kaijus and along the way compete against each other to see who would become the strongest of them all. Unfortunately Kafka did not qualify at a certain point to work with them and had to choose to work cleaning up the remains of each Kaiju.

Β  But don't worry, everything doesn't look so bad for our main character. This is a very special story of overcoming, Kafka has something different from other characters I've seen in different anime, and for me, he is unique both for his way of being and for his personality. He has strengths that most of us don't see but others do.

Β  And like any good series, it also has secondary characters with super strong personalities that make them stand out, while they also steal your heart with their way of being, and in each chapter, you can see how friendship, appreciation, and brotherhood grows among all of them. For me, it is something very nice to see and I liked it a lot.

Β  I thank all the HIVE users who were responsible for recommending this series, like you, I was delighted and I also recommend it to πŸ’―%. The anime and manga are still on air. For now, it will only be 12 chapters, I hope more seasons will come soon. For my part I give it:

πš†πš‘πšŠπš πšπš’πš 𝚒𝚘𝚞 πšπš‘πš’πš—πš” πšŠπš‹πš˜πšžπš πšπš‘πš’πšœ?
𝙸 πš πš˜πšžπš•πš πš•πš˜πšŸπšŽ 𝚝𝚘 πš›πšŽπšŠπš 𝚒𝚘𝚞!
πš‚πšŽπšŽ 𝚒𝚘𝚞 πš—πšŽπš‘πš πšπš’πš–πšŽ!

Front Cover Image DeepL
Image 1CANVA
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Content and Original Text of my Authorship---

π™Όπš’ πš‚πš˜πšŒπš’πšŠπš• π™ΌπšŽπšπš’πšŠ

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