Elfen Lied: My First Gore Anime (Eng-Spa)

π™΄πš•πšπšŽπš— π™»πš’πšŽπš


This post is in Spanish and English. You can go to the post in English by clicking HERE

Β  Saludos Otakus de la Comunidad de #TheAnimeRealm. Hoy les confieso que tengo dΓ­as sin ver animΓ© ya que le he dado prioridad a una serie en particular la cual me ha robado toda la atenciΓ³n. Se trata de The Boys. Sin embargo, esto no implica que no pueda hablar de animΓ© por no ver mΓ‘s series hasta ahora, asΓ­ que decidΓ­ armar el post de hoy para hablar de una de las primeras series Gore que vi en mi adolescencia, sin saber lo fuerte que era esta serie. Les darΓ© mi opiniΓ³n sobre Elfen Lied.


Β  Recuerdo que esta serie la vi cuando tenΓ­a alrededor de 16 aΓ±os de edad y me la recomendaron mucho en aquel momento (un buen amigo, ese que me recomendΓ³ School Days) y me confiΓ©, me dije: "este sabe bastante de animΓ©, se ve que tiene tiempo en esto, asΓ­ que le darΓ© una oportunidad".

Β  Pero no me dijo que era un animΓ© para adultos. Es decir, es Gore, Ecchi y muy dramΓ‘tico. Por lo tanto, me causΓ³ gran impacto en aquellos aΓ±os que la vi por primera vez y recuerdo que se me hizo tan bizarra que tuve que verla como 3 veces mΓ‘s (con tiempo de por medio para aceptar los horrores que muestra la serie) pero esto con el fin de entenderla de una buena vez ya que habΓ­an muchas cosas confusas.


Β  Confusa porque dejan muchos temas abiertos al espectador, dejando que quien la vea saque sus propias conclusiones en donde la mayorΓ­a son malas. Su final tambiΓ©n queda asΓ­, abierto al espectador, ya que no concluye exactamente de manera feliz como todos esperΓ‘bamos, sino que te deja pistas para que saques tus propias conclusiones.

Β  Para mΓ­ este animΓ© fue exageradamente profundo, con muchos detalles por todos lados, desde el opening, recorriendo la historia, los personajes y sobre todo los temas fuertes de la sociedad como violaciΓ³n de menores, abuso psicolΓ³gico, bullying, entre otros (sin excluir los desmembramientos corporales tan visuales), hacen que al final esta serie quede como un trago muy amargo para quien la ve.


Β  Yo, no dirΓ­a que esta serie me perturbΓ³, pero si llegΓ³ al nivel de dejarme mal unos cuantos dΓ­as por la realidad que muestra con los temas sociales, a pesar de que se trate de un animΓ© de ciencia ficciΓ³n.

Β  Por otro lado, tengo entendido que esta serie se alejΓ³ de la historia que describe el manga, dΓ‘ndole un final alternativo en tan sΓ³lo 13 episodios, que como dije en un principio, queda abierto. Y aunque muchos fans en aquel entonces se sintieron decepcionados, luego de terminar la historia en el manga, con su final, con ambos finales en realidad, quedaron satisfechos.


Β  Y es que si, se podrΓ­a afirmar que ocurriΓ³ lo mismo que con Full Metal Alchemist pero eso no significa que el animΓ© sea malo. La historia que relatan en la serie es bastante buena, al igual que la que se desarrolla en el manga.

Β  Lo que mΓ‘s me gustΓ³ de este animΓ© son los detalles y similitudes que muestran en el opening. Ya que es algo poco comΓΊn de ver en una serie de este tipo, es decir, usar una canciΓ³n que denota un tema religioso, asΓ­ como tambiΓ©n agregar obras de arte de Gustav Klimpt (de quien me volvΓ­ fan despuΓ©s de ver esta serie) y mi obra favorita de este es sin dudarlo "El Beso".


Β  Lo que hace de esta serie, a pesar de ser tan oscura, una obra maestra que vale la pena ver. AsΓ­ que, si eres de las personas que son capaces de tolerar desmembraciones, sangre y mucho mΓ‘s sufrimiento, esta serie es para ti. De mi parte la recomiendo sΓ³lo si te gusta este gΓ©nero Gore tan explΓ­cito y con toques de horror. AsΓ­ como tambiΓ©n le asigno sus bien merecidas:

Click AQUI para ver el Opening de la serie, o ve al final del post.

ΒΏπš€πšžπšŽ πš™πš’πšŽπš—πšœπšŠπšœ πšŠπšŒπšŽπš›πšŒπšŠ 𝚍𝚎 𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚘?
π™ΌπšŽ πšŽπš—πšŒπšŠπš—πšπšŠπš›Γ­πšŠ πš•πšŽπšŽπš›πšπšŽ!
π™·πšŠπšœπšπšŠ πš•πšŠ πš™πš›πš˜πš‘πš’πš–πšŠ!

Imagen de Portada Traductor DeepL
Imagen 1CANVA
Imagen 2 Grammarly ExtensiΓ³n para correcciones en inglΓ©s
Imagen 3 Microsoft 365 Word en LΓ­nea para correcciones en espaΓ±ol
Imagen 4
Imagen 5
Contenido y Texto Original de mi AutorΓ­a

π™Όπš’πšœ 𝚁𝚎𝚍𝚎𝚜 πš‚πš˜πšŒπš’πšŠπš•πšŽπšœ


Β  Greetings Otakus of #TheAnimeRealm Community. Today I confess that I have days without watching anime since I have given priority to a particular series that has stolen all my attention. It is The Boys. However, this doesn't imply that I can't talk about anime for not watching more series until now, so I put together today's post to talk about one of the first Gore series I watched in my teenage years, without knowing how strong this series was. I will give you my opinion about Elfen Lied.


Β  I remember watching this series when I was around 16 years old and it was highly recommended to me at the time (a good friend, the one who recommended School Days) and I trusted it, I said to myself: "This guy knows a lot about anime, it looks like he's been doing it for a while, so I'll give him a chance".

Β  But he didn't tell me it was an adult anime. I mean, it is Gore, Ecchi, and very dramatic. Therefore, it had a great impact in those years that I saw it for the first time. I remember that it was so bizarre that I had to watch it about 3 times more (with time in between to accept the horrors shown in the series) but this was to understand it once and for all because there were many confusing things.


Β  Confusing because they leave many issues open to the viewer, leaving the viewer to draw their conclusions where most of them are bad. Its ending is also left open to the viewer, as it does not end happily as we all expected, but leaves clues for you to draw your conclusions.

Β  For me this anime was exaggeratedly deep, with many details everywhere, from the opening, going through the story, the characters, and especially the strong themes of society such as child rape, psychological abuse, and bullying, among others (not excluding the very visual body dismemberments), make this series a very bitter pill to swallow in the end for those who watch it.


Β  I, I wouldn't say that this series disturbed me, but it did reach the level of leaving me sick for a few days because of the reality it shows with the social issues, even though it is a science fiction anime.

Β  On the other hand, I understand that this series moved away from the story described in the manga, giving it an alternate ending in only 13 episodes, which as I said in the beginning, is left open-ended. Although many fans at the time were disappointed, after finishing the story in the manga, with its ending, with both endings actually, they were satisfied.


Β  And yes, it could be said that the same thing happened with Full Metal Alchemist, but that doesn't mean that the anime is bad. The story they tell in the series is pretty good, just like the one in the manga.

Β  What I liked most about this anime are the details and similarities shown in the opening. Since it is something uncommon to see in a series of this type, that is, using a song that denotes a religious theme, as well as adding artwork by Gustav Klimpt (of whom I became a fan after watching this series) and my favorite work of his is without a doubt "The Kiss".


Β  What makes this series, despite being so dark, a masterpiece worth watching. So, if you are one of those people who can tolerate dismemberment, blood, and much more suffering, this series is for you. For my part, I recommend it only if you like this genre Gore is so explicit and with touches of horror. As well as I also assign it its well-deserved:

Estrellitas y Gif.gif

πš†πš‘πšŠπš πšπš’πš 𝚒𝚘𝚞 πšπš‘πš’πš—πš” πšŠπš‹πš˜πšžπš πšπš‘πš’πšœ?
𝙸 πš πš˜πšžπš•πš πš•πš˜πšŸπšŽ 𝚝𝚘 πš›πšŽπšŠπš 𝚒𝚘𝚞!
πš‚πšŽπšŽ 𝚒𝚘𝚞 πš—πšŽπš‘πš πšπš’πš–πšŽ!

Front Cover Image DeepL Translator
Image 1CANVA
Image 2 Grammarly Extension for English corrections
Image 3 Microsoft 365 Word Online for Spanish corrections
Image 4
Image 5
Content and Original Text of my Authorship

π™Όπš’ πš‚πš˜πšŒπš’πšŠπš• π™ΌπšŽπšπš’πšŠ

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